
bsp; Wolf nodded. Then a commotion drew his attention. Glancing back, he saw the woman Green had been flirting with duck into her car and come out with a handgun which she aimed over the roof of the car toward Green.

“Get away from me or I’ll shoot your junk off!” she yelled. Then she jumped in her car and sped away.

Green shouted after her, “We’re soul mates. The sooner you figure that out the less creepy I’ll seem.”

Wolf held back his laughter long enough to call out, “Hey, Green.”

“What?” Green replied, still staring after the disappearing car.

“I think her aura was a bright shade of ‘fuck off and leave me alone’.”

The guys all burst out laughing.

“I think she liked me,” Green said, still staring.

“I’m no expert, but when a woman threatens to shoot your dick off, I’m pretty sure it’s time to back the fuck off,” Cole chuckled.

“Wolf, think I can track her down by her plate number?”

Wolf rolled his eyes. “Let it go, bro.”

Red Dog shook his head as Green walked past him back to his bike. “Some of your behavior is completely embarrassing, but highly entertaining at the same time. So, keep it up.”

Cole snickered, “Why can’t Green find a girl? The mystery continues.”

Green slammed the cap back on his gas tank. “Screw this, I’m goin’ inside and getting me some snacks.”

“Get me a pack of smokes and a water, will you?” Cole shouted after him.

Red Dog chuckled. “Better give him a list or he’ll end up in the booze aisle.”

Green’s response was to keep walking but lift his arm up, flashing them all the finger over his shoulder.

Crash chuckled at that as his cell phone went off. He pulled it from his pocket, looking at the screen. Incoming text from Shannon. He smiled as he swiped his thumb over the screen to open it. The smile on his face faded as he read it.

“Jesus Christ.”

Cole frowned over at him as he screwed the cap on his gas tank and hung up the nozzle. “Problems?”

“It’s Shannon. She’s in Vegas.”

“Vegas? You know about that?”

“Hell, no.”

“What’s she doing there?”

“Apparently a girl’s weekend.”

“Girl’s weekend?” Cole straightened. “Fuck, Angel better not be with her.” Cole’s cell went off, and he yanked his phone out, looking at the text he’d just received. “Goddamn it.”

Red Dog looked over. “What’s goin’ on?” A moment later he was pulling his own ringing cell out of his pocket. He looked at the screen and roared. “Mary’s in Vegas! What the fuck!”

Mack chuckled as he leaned back against his bike, shoving his sunglasses up on his head. “That’s what you boys get for goin’ soft on your ol’ ladies. They think they can get away with pulling shit like this. Those three loose in Vegas; that ought to be good.”

Cole glared at him. “Shut the fuck up.”