“Are we playing good cop/bad cop?” she turned her head to ask as she obeyed.

“What do you think?” he stepped closer, crowding her against the wall.

“I think there aren’t any good cops.”

“I guess that makes me a bad cop. But I get the feeling you like bad boys, Miss Devereux. In fact I think you hang out with a bunch of bad boys. One in particular, and I aim to find out his name.”

She gave him a smug look over her shoulder. “I’ll never tell you anything Officer Friendly.”

“Oh, we’re about to get real friendly. I’ll need to search you for concealed weapons, ma’am.”

She glanced down at her skimpy bra and panties. Right.

His hands slid over her skin and around to the front of her bra. Cupping her breasts, he squeezed until she came up on her toes with a moan.

“What do we have here? Feels like you’re packing some big guns. A pair of double Ds, Miss Devereux?”

Her hand came down off the wall, and she reached behind her stroking over the front of his jeans.

“And how big a weapon do you have, Officer?”

His hand reached down and covered hers, squeezing it and thrusting into her hand. “Maybe if you’re a really good girl and cooperate fully, I’ll let you find out.”

“I am cooperating.”

He took her hand and put it firmly back on the wall, holding it there as he leaned in to admonish in her ear, “Then maybe you should keep your hands where I told you.”

“Yes, sir.”

He released his grip on her wrist, and his hands slid down over her ribs, down past the curve of her waist to her ass. “Let’s see what other deadly weapons you’ve got on you. He squeezed her cheeks. “Hmm. Could be deadly. Could be used against a man.” She pushed back into his hands and rubbed up against his crotch.

His hand came down with a firm smack on her cheek. “Behave or I’ll have to get nasty.” He drew a gun from the small of his back and held it to her cheek, stroking her skin with the side of the barrel. “Understand?”

She had to smile. He was really getting into this. She’d felt how hard he was. “Yes, sir.”

“Good answer.” He set the gun on the nearby highboy dresser. Then his hand slid around to her front and dipped into her panties, his finger sliding right into her, bringing her up on her toes with another moan. “Now this, Miss Devereux, this could definitely kill a man.” He pumped into her several times. “At the very least bring a man to his knees.”

She dropped her head, pressing her forehead against the wall, totally caught up in what his wicked hand was doing to her. His other arm came up under her armpit, his hand pressing against the wall as he moved in on her, his mouth at her ear.

“Hmm. Very cooperative, now, aren’t you?”

“Are you…” her voice broke as his thumb tortured her clit with gentle caresses. “Oh, God.”

“You had a question for me?”

“Are you…ATF?”

“ATF are pussies. I’m DEA, lady. And I fully intend to get all the information out of you that I came for.”

“W-what information?” God, what he was doing with his hand felt so good, she could barely concentrate on the game.

“The man you’re involved with, the one that pays you all those late night visits.”

“How do you know about that?”

“I’ve been watching you.”

“You have?”