“Um hmm. What’s his name, Miss Devereux?” He ramped up his relentless stroking.

She panted, “I’ll never tell you.”

“Oh, I think you will.” He withdrew his hand and stepped away. “On the bed,” he ordered.

She turned and looked at him. They may be playing, but his expression was totally serious. She stepped over to the bed and slowly sat on it. He stepped closer, standing over her. She tilted her head up to look at him. He shrugged off his cut and tossed it on the dresser. Next came his tee shirt. He tore it off and dropped it on the floor. Then he reached to the small of his back, and a pair of silver handcuffs flashed in the dim light pouring from the closet. Her eyes fell to it, and she swallowed.

She bolted off the bed, making a dash toward the door, but he grabbed her arm and reeled her back in. “Going somewhere?”

She struggled.

“Go ahead. Fight me, Miss Deveraux.” Then he lifted her and tossed her roughly onto the bed, manhandling her with ease. She scurried across the mattress, but he clamped his hands around her ankles and yanked her backward. She slid across the bedspread. He flipped her onto her back and straddled her, easily overpowering her. Grabbing both wrists, he pinned them to the bed above her head.

“Get off me.” She tried to buck him off, but he was like an immovable rock. His full weight settled on her, but she still tried to buck him off, giving him exactly what he wanted. He grinned down at her as she continued to fight him.

“I’m not going anywhere, so fight all you want, lady.” When she finally tired, her breath heaving in and out, he trailed his nose along hers, lulling her in with promises. “Cooperate, and I’ll go easy on you.”

She nodded, relenting. “All right. I give.”

He studied her warily as he released his hold on her and moved off her to stand by the side of the bed.

She came up on her elbows and stared back at him, just as wary.

“Lie back,” he ordered with a lift of his chin toward the headboard.

She moved back, reclining against the pillows to stare up at him.

He again lifted his chin. “Arms above your head.”

She did as he asked, and he snapped the cuffs on her. And then she watched wide-eyed as he pulled his belt loose. Her eyes followed it as the smooth leather slithered free of his belt loops. She sucked in a breath as he

loomed over her to wrap the belt around the handcuffs and then around the post of the headboard, yanking it tight.

“What are you going to do?” she whispered, her insides tightening with her desire. God, this man could take alpha to a whole new level.

He planted his fists in the bed, one on each side of her as he loomed over her. “I’m going to get what I came for. I’m going to get all the information out of you I want. I’m going to have you twisting with need until you tell me every single thing you know.”

“I’ll never tell you a damn thing,” she panted, kicking out at him, her whole body twisting and bucking.

He barely managed to deflect her blow from hitting him smack in the family jewels.

“Assaulting a police officer will get you three-to-five, Miss Devereux,” he ground out coming down on top of her.

“Three-to-five years? I highly doubt it.”

“Three-to-five hours, Miss Devereux. In this bed. At my mercy.” He gave her a wicked smile. “But go ahead and fight me. I like it that way. I bet you do, too.” He dipped his head to whisper in her ear, his breath caressing her, “I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’m all about the struggle, so keep going, you’re just making me harder.”

That just drove the need in her to refuse to submit. She renewed her fight again, thrashing and twisting, but with her hands restrained above her head, there was nothing she could really do but prolong the inevitable. Even so, she wasn’t going to make this easy for him. But with every kick she tried to land, his body locked her down further, until she was practically immobile.

When she finally lay motionless, panting from her exertions, he brought his mouth to her ear again to whisper, “Tell me about him. Tell me about this man that visits you at night.”

“He knows what a woman likes, he knows how to get inside my head and make me forget everything but him.”

“Really. Is that so? What else?”

“He’s an amazing kisser. When he kisses me, I forget everything. I forget where I am. I feel like I’m the only person in the world he cares about.”

His mouth came down on hers, his tongue delving inside. He kept at it and at it, relentlessly plundering, barely giving either of them a chance to breathe.