“God, I’m so embarrassed.” She put her face in her hand.

He reached over and pulled it down. “Babe, when a woman looks like you do, last thing a man cares about is how well she can make a cup of coffee.”

She laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

His gaze slid over her. “You and Crash getting along?”

She shrugged. “He tolerates me, I think.”

“Really? Can’t say that’d be a chore.”

“You are a flirt, aren’t you? Crash warned me about you.”

“Oh, did he now?”

“Um hmm.”

“So, you holding up okay?”

Her grin faded. “Does everyone know my story?”

He watched her expression change. “Darlin’, relax. A couple of us know the story. Crazy ex stalking you, right?”

She nodded.

“You still worried about him?”

She shrugged. “Sort of.”

“Shannon, he’s not gonna get anywhere near you while you’re with the club. You need to believe that.”

“And when I’m here? Alone?”

“You worried about bein’ alone here?”

She shrugged again. “Maybe.”

“Babe. This place is like Fort Knox. Nobody’s getting in unless you let them in. I installed the security system myself.” She nodded, but it wasn’t convincing. He put his hand to her chin, lifting it to meet his gaze. “Shannon, what is it?”

She turned, pulling her chin free. “Nothing. I’m sure you’re right.”

“Crash isn’t going to let anything happen to you. He’s a good guy, Shannon.”

She smiled. “You’re his brother. You have to say that, right? That’s the bro code, isn’t it?”

“Bull shit. Ain’t no code says I gotta sing his praises. What I should be tellin’ you is what a jerk he is and what an awesome guy I am,” he teased.

“Oh, I see.” She laughed.

“I could stay with you, if you don’t want to be here alone,” he offered, knowing Cole and Crash would both have his ass if he didn’t show back up at the club soon. But, damn, she’d be worth the beating.

“Thank you for the offer, but you’re right, I’m sure I’m safe here. I’m just being silly.”


He shook his head. “One thing I’ve learned, if your gut is telling you something, babe, it’s best to listen to it. Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“No, of course not.”