“She ain’t my girl.”

“Oh, really?”

“Don’t get any ideas, Wolf.”

“Just sayin’, if you’re not interested, maybe you could give the rest of us a shot.”

“Not if you want to stay breathin’.”

Wolf laughed. “All right, asshole. What do you want me to do with the seat?”

Crash let out a frustrated breath. “Shit. I’ll call Shannon, have her open the door. You set it on the floor, and get your ass back here. You got me?”

Wolf grinned. “I hear you, brother.”

“I know exactly how long it takes to get back here, motherfucker.”

“Lucky for me you can’t tell time, asshole.” Wolf disconnected with a smile as Crash let loose some more choice profanities.

A couple minutes later the gate rolled slowly up. Wolf grinned and whispered, “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your sweet hair.” Then he rolled inside, shut his bike off and climbed off. As he was pulling the small rectangular seat out of his saddle bag, a feminine voice floated down the elevator shaft.


Wolf walked over to it. Glancing up, he shouted, “Hey, darlin’. It’s Wolf. Cole sent me over with a seat for you.” He was about to explain that he was going to leave it against the wall when the elevator started descending.


Crash was gonna kill him. The elevator stopped in front of him. He stared at it for only half a second before he climbed on and ascended to the second level. When it rattled to a stop, and he threw open the gate, Shannon was standing there, her hands in the back pockets of her low cut jeans.

“Hi,” she said, shyly.

“Hey.” His let his eyes rove over her. Goddamn, she was gorgeous. He held the seat out to her. “Here you go.” She took it, turning it over to look at the funny suction cups on each corner and frowned. A grin pulled at the corner of his mouth. God, she was adorable. “It sticks to his rear fender.”

“It sticks?” Her eyes lifted to his.

“Don’t worry, darlin’. You won’t fall off. It’ll hold.”

One brow shot up, and a smile pulled at her mouth. “Are you sure?”

He grinned. “Yeah, I’m sure.”

She smiled. “Thanks for bringing it over. That was very thoughtful of you.”

Wolf was torn between letting her think he’d thought of it, or telling her the truth. He figured Angel would say something so he’d better be straight up with her. “Wish I could take credit for it, but Angel tore Cole a new one when she saw you ride away on the fender yesterday. Insisted he take care of it.”

“Really? And how did you get stuck with the job?”

He shrugged and winked. “I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.”

“Right. Well, thank you for bringing it. Would you like a cup of coffee?”

He nodded. “Sure, I’ll take a cup.”

He moved to the island and sat. She brought him over a cup and sat next to him with her own cup. He took a sip, his eyes catching hers over the rim. “Not bad. You’re improving,” he complimented her coffee-making skills with a grin and a wink.

She laughed. “Was it really that bad?”

“Yeah, darlin’. It was pretty bad.” They both laughed.