“Son of a bitch,” Wolf growled, his shoulders slumping.

About an hour later, Crash rolled into the lower level of his loft, Jake and Shane following him in. Shutting the bikes off, they all dismounted.

“Grab your gear,” Crash nodded toward the duffle-bags they each had strapped to the back of their bikes. They made quick work of unstrapping them.

Jake and Shane glanced around the place as they followed Crash and Shannon into the freight elevator. As the elevator began its ascent, Jake grinned. “This is cool as shit.”

Crash smiled back.

Shannon looked up at Crash. “Are you going to introduce us?”

Shit. He hadn’t realized he’d overlooked that. “Shannon, this is Jake Webber and Shane Murphy. They were in my brother’s unit.”

Jake stuck his hand out. “Pleased to meet you, ma’am.”

Shane did the same. “Ma’am.”

“Nice to meet you,” Shannon replied, shaking both their hands.

The elevator reached the upper level, and Crash threw the metal gate open. His hand still holding Shannon’s, he paused at the security panel and punched in the code to lock up the building. He turned back as Shannon tugged free of his hand. His eyes followed her as she moved toward the bathroom.

Jake and Shane took in the place, their eyes going everywhere. “Wow,” Shane exclaimed. “This place is awesome.”

Crash grinned. “Thanks.” He moved toward the kitchen. “You boys want a beer?”

They both indicated in the positive, and he opened the refrigerator, pulling out three bottles. When he carried them back, Jake was standing near the pool table looking at the picture of Crash and Trevor. Shane was standing next to him, looking up at the flag

“Is that…?” Shane motioned toward the flag.

Crash nodded, knowing he was asking if that was the flag that had draped Trevor’s casket. “Yeah.” He handed him a beer.

Jake set the photo down and looked at Crash. “You sure we’re not intruding on you and your ol’ lady?”

Crash shook his head. “You’re fine. Wouldn’t have invited you back otherwise. And she’s not my ol’ lady.”



They just stared at him.

“She’s been having some trouble with an ex-boyfriend. I’m just…providing her shelter, I guess.” They nodded, but he could see they really didn’t understand. “Come on.” Crash motioned for them to follow, and he led them out onto the roof.

As they passed the bedroom, Shane made a comment. “Wow, those chains are fierce.”

“Fuck the chains, check out the size of that bed,” Jake put in.

Crash grinned. “Go big or go home, I say.”

They laughed and followed him out onto the roof.

“Whoa! Check this out, Shane.”

“Man, this pad is killer. Bet you have some great parties in this place,” Shane remarked, taking in the view.

Crash sat on the wooden crate, leaving the two Adirondack chairs for his guests. “Never really been one to throw a big party. Guess I don’t much care for a bunch of drunk motherfuckers trashing my stuff.”

“I can see your point,” Jake agreed.