“The Batcave?” Shane questioned, his brows furrowed.

“Yeah, place looks like a small two-story run down manufacturing building on the outside. On the inside it’s a high-tech fortress with state-of-the-art security,” Wolf put in.

“Well, you do install primo security systems, Wolf,” Crash smiled at him.

Wolf took a bow and replied in his best Elvis impression, “Thank you. Thank you very much.”

“You install security systems?” Jake asked.

Cole answered for him. “Yep. Has his own business. And when he’s not doing that, he’s following around some cheating spouses, getting the dirt for divorce cases.”

“Really? You lookin’ to hire? That sounds l

ike it might be right up our alley.” Shane motioned between himself and Jake. “Did a little tracking and recon ourselves.”

“Maybe. You boys stickin’ around?”

“We’d like to, if it all works out.”

Wolf nodded. “We’ll talk.”

Crash jerked his head toward the door. “Let’s roll.” They followed him out to the bikes. Jake and Shane moved towards theirs, and Crash led Shannon back to his bike.

“They’re coming back to your place?” she asked.

He handed her helmet to her. “Yeah. They served with my brother. Don’t have a place to stay. Told ‘em they could stay with me. You got a problem with that?”

“No. Of course not. It’s your place, not mine. I don’t have any say who you invite.”

“That’s right.”

“Where are they going to sleep?”

“Got a big sectional couch.”

“But…you’re sleeping on it.”

“We’ll figure it out.” He climbed on his bike and watched Shannon look back toward Jake and Shane, who had now fired their bikes up. “You comin’?”

She climbed on.

Angel, Cole, and Wolf had come outside and were standing by the door when they pulled out. Angel waived them off. Crash nodded in their direction and hit the throttle. He felt Shannon’s hands wrap around his waist as he rolled out onto the street and gunned the engine, two bikes pulling out behind him.

“What the hell?” Angel whirled on Cole. “She’s riding the fender, Cole!”

Cole couldn’t help the grin that pulled at his mouth. “Yeah, baby. She is.”

“Why is she riding the fender, Cole?”

“Because Crash runs a solo seat, Angel.”

His wife got right up in his face. “You’re bringing her a seat tomorrow.”

He stared down at her a second, knowing there were some battles not worth fighting. “Yes, ma’am.” She shook her head at him and stalked off into the clubhouse. Cole turned to Wolf. “You hear that? You’re bringing her a seat tomorrow.”


“And you know Crash ain’t drillin’ no holes in that pretty shiny fender of his, so figure it out.”