“I’m not a miracle worker, Mr. Ralston. The only ones that have access to that information is the bank or Shannon herself. And even I can’t get past bank encryption.”

Nicklaus dropped the file on his desk. He leaned back in his chair, his elbow on the armrest, his hand to his mouth, rubbing his lip as he considered the situation. After a long moment, he looked over at the private investigator. “Thank you, Mr. Abbott. I’ll be in touch.”


Crash took Shannon by the arm and pulled her through the room to a back hallway. As soon as they turned a corner out of sight, he backed her up against the wall, his left palm landing flat on the plaster next to her head, his body moving into her space. His eyes searched hers. “What did Cole and Angel tell you?”

“Cole told me Mack is making you bring me here Friday night. Angel told me it’s to a party that you have after a meeting you call ‘church’, and that ‘old ladies’ aren’t allowed, and it gets pretty wild.”

He stared at her. “What else?”

“She said strippers from Sonny’s might be there.”

His brows rose. “Anything else?”

“Well, I don’t think you want to hear about how horny Cole is when he gets home Friday nights or how Friday is now Angel’s favorite day of the week,” she snapped sarcastically.

A half smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. “Nope. Could have lived without that visual.” His right hand lifted to her face, his palm cupping her jaw. “You okay?”

“Do I really have to go?”

His eyes searched hers. “Yeah, babe. You do.”

“Will you be with me?”

“Every minute.”



“Then I’ll be fine, right?”

He smiled. “Right.”

Her eyes dropped to his mouth.

He drew in a ragged breath. “Don’t do that, Princess.”

“Why not?”

His eyes skated down her body. “Cause you look hot as shit, sweetheart, and you looking at my mouth is making me want to kiss you. And if I start kissing you, I’m not gonna stop at just kissing.”

“Just one. Just so we’ll know,” she whispered in a breathy voice, and he felt his dick get hard.

“I think I already know.” His thumb dragged across her lower lip. She opened her mouth and drew the tip of her tongue over the pad of his thumb.

“Christ, baby.” And then her hands were framing his face, pulling his mouth down to hers as she rose up to meet him. Her lips were soft under his, and suddenly he couldn’t stop himself from delving inside. His tongue swept over hers. His hands dropped to her hips, pulling her forward, needing to feel her pressed up against his erection. Her head tilted back, inviting him in further. He heard her moan deep in her throat and felt the vibration in his mouth. An answering tingle started at the base of his spin, and he knew in a minute he’d have her lifted in his arms and pinned to the wall, before unfastening his pants and plunging inside her.

Boots pounded on the floor, dragging their attention. Crash broke off the kiss, his breathing labored, and he twisted his head to see Green standing there.

“I knew you were lying about hittin’ that,” he taunted on his way down the hall to the restroom.

Crash grabbed Shannon’s hand and pulled her back toward the common room, his shoulder slamming Green into the wall as he passed him.

When he got back to the bar, he looked over at Jake and Shane. “If you guys are ready, I’ll take you back to my place now.”

“You’ll like the Batcave,” Cole assured.