Shannon smiled. “I suppose.”

“Have you been a bitch to him?”

Shannon looked away, guiltily. “Maybe.”

“Shannon, Crash is a good man. He really is. I know if you let him, he could help you.”

“Help me?” She looked at Angel wondering what she was talking about.

“With the panic attacks—with feeling safe again.”

Shannon pulled back. “I don’t think anybody can help me with that.”

“Shannon listen to me. You’ve got to let someone in. It’s the only way. Believe me. You can’t do this alone.”

“I don’t know. I’ve carried it alone for so long.”

“I know Crash. I know you can trust him, Shannon. Please, at least think about it.”

“All right,” she gave in, mostly to just stop talking about it.

“Now, what’s this nonsense about you not knowing anything about anything?”

Shannon rolled her eyes. “As far as he’s concerned I’m a useless spoiled brat.”

“What do you mean? Tell me. I find this very interesting that you care what Crash thinks of you. I think that’s very telling.”

“Angel, don’t read too much into it. It just bothers me that…maybe he’s right.”


“Well, I can’t cook. I can barely do laundry…”

“Sweetie, I can help you with all that. It just takes practice.”

“Can you teach me how to cook?”

“Of course. I can come over one day when he’s out with the guys and teach you a couple recipes. You can surprise and amaze him!”

“That would be nice. I sure would love to rub it in his face.”

“Come on. We better get back before they come looking for us.”

Crash had turned back from watching the girls walk up the stairs, and he connected eyes with Mack.

“Your girl’s makin’ quite an impression.” Mack’s eyes dropped down to Cajun, who was starting to come around.

Crash glanced back up at the hallway they’d disappeared down and grumbled, “She’s a goddamn fish out of water.”

Cole took a pull on his beer and commented, “Angel thinks she’s a scared little girl on the inside.”

Crash replied, “Well, whatever’s scaring her on the inside, is making her a bitch on the outside.”

Cole chuckled.

“Yeah, well, you’re stuck with her now,” Mack put in. “Natalie’s become her guardian fucking angel, threatened to take my dick off if I even thought about runnin’ her ass off.”

Crash studied the man. He wasn’t sure what his game was. One thing he knew for sure, Mack wasn’t afraid of Natalie, not by a long shot.