“I think she wants you, brother,” Mack observed with a grin at Crash.

Crash about choked on his beer. “What the hell is that based on?”

Mack shrugged. “Call it a hunch.

“She doesn’t know me, and she sure doesn’t know what this life is all about.” He nodded to the clubhouse. “She’s in over

her head here. I need to get her home.”

“I disagree,” Mack said, staring at him.

“What do you mean?” Where the hell was Mack going with this?

“Oh, not about her not knowing shit. She’s totally fuckin’ clueless. That part you got right. But I disagree with your plan to keep it from her. I think she needs to know exactly what a den of wolves she’s crawled into bed with. Full disclosure. Bring her to the party Friday night,” Mack ordered.

Cole and Crash exchanged a look. What the fuck? Crash’s eyes swung back to Mack, “You’re shittin’ me, right?”

“What’d I just say?”


“Full disclosure, brother. Let her see what she’s gotten herself mixed up with.”

“What purpose is that gonna serve?” Crash asked, a bit of a bite to his words.

“Maybe it’ll teach you boys to quit bringin’ around every goddamn stray you find.” Mack smiled, picked up his beer and strolled out.

“What the fuck was that about?” Crash asked, turning to Cole.

Cole took a pull off his beer. “I’d say he’s still pissed at us for keepin’ shit from him.”

“So, he’s gonna drag Shannon through the gutter as payback?”

“Nope. I think he’s gonna have you ‘drag her through the gutter’, brother.”

Crash closed his eyes. “Motherfucker.”

A prospect walked up to the bar. “Crash, a couple of guys just rode up. They’re askin’ to see you.”

Cole looked over his shoulder at the prospect. “What do they want?”

The prospect shrugged. “Said they knew his brother.”

Cole and Crash exchanged a look. It had been almost nine months since his brother had died, but he still had a hard time talking about him. Even the mention of him still got to him. He was sure it was written all over his face. He got confirmation of that when Cole offered, “You want me to deal with ‘em, brother?”

Crash pushed off the bar. “Naw. I got it.” He strolled outside, in time to see two guys climbing off their bikes. Crash took in their appearance. As they pulled off their helmets, he could see they both still had short military style haircuts. Probably some of his brother’s battle buddies then.

He walked up to them. “I’m Crash. You lookin’ for me?”

One of the two extended his hand. “Yeah, man. I’m Jake Webber.” He nodded over his shoulder at his friend. “This is Shane Murphy.”

Crash shook his hand. The other man extended his hand, and Crash shook it as well. “You boys knew my brother?”

“Yes, sir. 82nd Airborne. We were in his unit,” Jake confirmed. “He talked a lot about you and the club. We were out this way and thought we’d come look you up. Pay our respects.” He nodded around at the activities. “Sorry, didn’t know we’d be interrupting a party.”

“Don’t worry about it. Glad to have you. Come on inside, and have a beer.”

“Sounds good,” Shane replied.