“Babe, I was hoping we’d have a really awesome night anyway, minus the rings.”

“Come on, Crash. Give in to me,” she purred as she kissed her way up his neck.

“I was hoping you’d be the one givin’ in to me, upstairs in bed.”


“Shannon, baby, you can’t be serious.”

She pulled back and looked up at him. “I am.”

“Babe, you don’t even know what you’d be signing up for. The life I lead…”

“Crash, I know the life you lead.”

“Baby, it’s a real sweet offer, but that’s not the kind of thing you should do spur of the moment and under the influence.”

“You think I don’t know what I’m asking?”

“I know you don’t.”

She spun. “Fine. I’m not going to beg you.”

He grabbed her and yanked her back, her chest coming up against his. “Shannon, if I thought for one second I was what you really wanted…” His gaze moved to the doors, considering. To have a woman as beautiful as her, in his bed, in his life, permanently? He shook his head, trying to regain his senses. It was crazy, and one of them had to think clearly, rationally. Looking down at her, he knew her feelings were at risk here, even if it had started as a joke. If he said the wrong thing here, it could ruin everything between them, and all those walls he’d worked so hard to tear down would come right back up. “Make you a deal, the chapel will still be here in the morning. You still feel the same when you wake up with that hangover headache I know you’re gonna have, maybe I’ll take you up on your offer.”

That got a smile out of her. “You’re on, mister.”

At least that gave him until tomorrow for her to come to her senses. If not, hell…he’d have to cross that bridge when he came to it. He cupped her cheeks and pulled her face up to his, his eyes roving over her before he lowered his head and kissed her. The elevator dinged twenty feet away, and a couple stepped out. He looked up and broke the kiss. “You ever do it in an elevator, Shannon?”

She shook her head. “Never.”

He looked down at her. “You still up for something spur of the moment and crazy?” She nodded, smiling, and he tugged her into the elevator.


The next morning, Crash felt little kisses press along his spine, and a slow smile spread across his face. His baby was awake. And apparently intent of seducing him. He lay on his side, his back to her and the sheet down around his hips. When she got to the base of his spine, he slowly rolled to his back, taking care not to roll on top of her. Her arm slid around his gut, and she lifted her head, smiling at him.

“Good morning.” He smiled back at her, his fingers threading through the hair at the back of her head. He brought her face to his, pulling her mouth down for a sweet kiss. When the kiss ended, he studied her face. “You don’t have a hangover, babe?”

“No. I feel fine. Guess it was all that water you made me drink last night.”

Crash nodded. His phone went off. He grabbed it off the nightstand and looked at the screen.


He put it to his ear. “Yeah.”

Five minutes later, Crash knocked on Wolf and Green’s door.

Wolf pulled the door open. “Mornin’. How’s your lady feelin’ this mornin’?” The smile died on his face when he saw the somber expression on Crash’s face.

“I’m gonna need you, brother. Both of you.”

“Okay. What’s up?” Wolf replied.

“Mack called. I got some news to give Cole. When I do, he’s gonna lose his shit.”

“Christ. What is it?”