“Come on.”

Crash knocked on the next door. Red Dog answered it. Crash looked beyond him. “Where’s Cole?”

“In the shower. Why?” Crash walked in the room. Red Dog stepped back, his eyes moving to Wolf and Green who followed Crash in. “What’s up?”

They heard the shower go off. Crash looked around the room and then at Red Dog. “You packed and ready to roll?”

“Yeah. Why?” Crash shook his head. Dog pressed him. “Brother, what the fuck’s going on?”

The door opened, and Cole s

tepped out. His jeans on, but shirtless. He was rubbing a towel over his head. He looked up, taking in the group. “You guys anxious to hit the road?”

Red Dog, Wolf and Green all remained silent, their eyes all going to Crash. Cole’s eyes moved to him as well, and Crash felt his chest tighten. He hated like hell to be the one to lay this pain on the man who was closer to him than anyone in his life had ever been. He swallowed. “Brother-”

He could see Cole sense something was wrong. “Spit it out.”

Crash took a breath, knowing that his next words would shake not only Cole, but the other three men in the room, as well. “Mack just called. Someone took Angel.”

“What do you mean took her?” Cole snapped.

“What?” Red Dog blurted.

“Natalie was with her and the kids. They were in the mall parking lot. A van pulled up, and someone grabbed Angel, threw her in the back and took off. Natalie called Mack hysterical.”

“When?” Cole snapped.


“When the fuck did this happen, Crash?” Cole roared.

“This morning. Half an hour ago, maybe.”

“Have you heard from her?” Red Dog looked at Cole.

Cole grabbed his phone up off the dresser and looked at it. “No. Nothing since last night.” He stared at the carpet, and then his eyes lifted, connecting with Crash. “This wasn’t random.”


Cole spun and punched his fist clean through the plaster and drywall over and over until all four brothers pulled him back. He pulled his hand free and shook them off. Then he whirled on Crash. “Taz.”

Crash frowned. “Taz? You mean without the club’s knowledge?”

Red Dog shook his head. “She’s your wife, brother. It’s unwritten law. Families are off limits. Devil Kings don’t operate that way. Big Ed may run a ruthless bunch, but even he wouldn’t-”

Wolf cut him off. “Maybe Big Ed doesn’t know.”

“Taz is half crazy. You’ve heard the stories. And after the beat down I gave him Friday…” Cole paused, looking up at Crash. “Have Mack call him. Find out if Taz had anything to do with this.”

“If he did, would Big Ed give him up?” Green asked.

“There’s another possibility,” Crash said quietly.

Cole’s eyes connected with Crash, and then he spoke the single word. “Shannon?”

Crash nodded.

Cole’s eyes slid closed.