“His name is Nicklaus Ralston III, he owns Ralston Aluminum and several other things. He’s a rich and powerful associate of my father’s.” She proceeded to tell him everything, about the way he’d pursued her and how he’d begun to try to control her. She told him about the drugs he’d started giving her, and how he’d terrorized anyone who helped her. And finally about seeing Nicklaus’s men in Lake Tahoe. “He had to have somehow connected me to the club. How else would he have been able to find me?”

Cole ran his hand over his face and flung his cigarette away violently. “Shit.”

Shannon’s eyes moved between Cole and Crash, her eyes pooling. Crash was leaned forward in his chair, his elbows resting on his knees. He looked at her, saw her reaction, and his hand was suddenly on her knee. “Shannon, it’s gonna be okay.”

Cole stood looking down at him, his eyebrows raised. “You don’t really know that, Crash.”

Crash looked up at him. “Yeah, I do. He’s not getting his hands on her.”

Cole blew out a frustrated breath, his eyes returning to Shannon’s. “This would have been a hell of a lot easier, if you’d just come clean in the beginning. I coulda had guys watching him, keeping an eye on his movements, hell, something. Anything would be better than dealing with this shit blind, babe.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Fuck!” he growled and walked off toward the bikes, pulling his cell out.

Shannon’s eyes came back to Crash. “What’s going to happen? Is he going to send me back?”

“Fuck, no, Shannon. Not a chance.”

“But…” Her eyes followed Cole’s retreating back. He looked so pissed.

“Baby, look at me. I’m not gonna let that happen. I promised you he wouldn’t touch you, and I meant it. You believe me?”

She just stared at him.

“Shannon, do you believe me?”

She nodded.

“He’s just pissed. He’d never turn you over, Shannon. Relax. Okay?”

She nodded again.

Crash stood and leaned down to brush a kiss on her forehead. “Finish your coffee. Sounds like the boys are back.” Shannon heard the distant rumble of a couple of motorcycles. “You all right?”


Crash walked over to the bikes where Cole stood. They spoke, but they were too far away for Shannon to hear what was said. A moment later, Red Dog and Wolf rolled up. There were now five Harleys all in a pretty row, gleaming in the sun. Shannon lifted her cup and sipped her coffee. She took a deep breath. She had to put her faith in Crash. He promised he’d take care of her. She had to calm down and believe it would all be okay.

Wolf dismounted. Red Dog pulled his helmet off, but sat on his bike. They both looked exhausted to Crash. He knew how they felt.

Cole looked over at Red Dog. “He taken care of?”


“Any problems?”

Red Dog climbed slowly off his bike. “Nope.”

“The money?”

“We got it. All of it.”

“Good.” Cole nodded.

Red Dog yawned. “If I don’t get some sleep, I’m gonna be in a really bad mood all day.”

Wolf looked over at him, grinning. “Yeah? So how would that be any different than any other day of the week?”