“Oww.” She turned back to him and grinned. “Mister, that’s a hundred bucks extra around here, you know?”

He grinned. “Oh, is it, now? You been studying up on the price list, babe? Thinking of getting into a new line of work?”

“Do you know how much these girls make, Crash?”

“Yep. Don’t be getting any ideas about a new career.”

“I could make a fortune,” she teased him, shaking her ass. “Don’t you think?”

He shook his head. “God, you’re adorable. Go!”

“Did you know that everything is a la carte? Stacy told me if they want to play with her tits it costs seventy-five bucks extra, and if they want to suck her nipples, it’s a hundred.” She gave him a ‘can you believe it’ look.

“Yeah, babe. I know.” He laughed.

“Oh, you do? Have you been with them?” she teased.

“No, Shannon! Seriously? Are you fucking shitting me? Do you think I gotta pay for it?”


“Go. I’ll make the coffee. Damn, babe.” He turned toward the coffeemaker, shaking his head. Shannon could see his shoulders shaking with his laughter. She giggled and walked out.

When she returned a few minutes later, he had a fresh pot of coffee brewed and a steaming Styrofoam cup waiting for her. He moved to the refrigerator and opened it. Pulling a container of creamer out of the door, he held it up and asked, “French Vanilla creamer?”

“God, yes.”

He moved to her and poured some in her cup. “Say when.”

“When.” He grinned and returned the container to the fridge as she took a sip. “Hmm. Delicious.”

He came over and kissed her. Pulling back, he licked his lips. “Absolutely.”

Shannon smiled up at him, thinking how sexy he was, even after having been up all night. He turned, and taking her hand, he led her out the sliding doors on to the patio. They sat in some mismatched lawn chairs, sipping their coffee. It was already warm outside and promised to be another hot day. The sky was clear and the sun was breaking higher on the horizon. Three bikes sat in a line, their chrome reflecting the bright morning sun. Shannon frowned over at Crash. “Where are the other two bikes?”

He grinned back at her. “You don’t miss a thing do you, Princess?”

“There were five of you last night.”

He nodded. “Wolf and Red Dog had to leave to take care of something last night. Don’t worry, they should be back soon, then we’ll be leaving.”

Cole walked out the sliding door with his own coffee. Shannon’s eyes met his, reading in his look that he hadn’t forgotten the talk he’d promised they’d have. He took the chair next to Crash and opposite her. Crash looked over at him.

“Everything settled?”

“Yup.” Cole set his cup on the ground between his feet and pulled out a cigarette and lighter, striking the flame on with a flip of his thumb. He paused with the lighter half way, his penetrating gaze flicking up to meet hers. “Story time, sweetheart.”

Shannon swallowed. How was he going to react when she told him about Nicklaus? Would he think she was more trouble than he wanted to deal with? Then what? Would he insist they dump her off somewhere? Maybe even leave her here? Her gaze strayed to Crash. Would he let Cole do something like that to her? Would he have a choice? She knew his loyalty was first and foremost to the club. Always had been, probably always would be. So, where did that leave her? Her gaze returned to Cole. Somehow, she had a feeling it all came down to him. And she’d basically lied to him, well, maybe not lied, but she sure hadn’t told him the truth. She’d misled him. And she was sure, in his eyes, she’d used him. That wasn’t going to go over well. Not with a man like Cole.

“I’m waiting, darlin’,” Cole prompted, sipping his coffee.

“I…I didn’t tell you everything,” she admitted straight out. No sense beating around the bush, he already knew that much anyway.

“No shit.”

“I should have told you, but I was afraid if you knew, you wouldn’t help me.”

“Just tell me the story, Shannon. All of it.”