“Not sure he wants the headache’s either, though.”

Cole grinned. “Let me worry about that. Thanks, Doll.” He headed back to the bar.

A couple of hours later, as dawn was breaking, Loser Louie had shown up, and the guys had taken him outside to ‘deal’ with him. He’d spilled his guts soon enough. Cole had sent Red Dog and Wolf to follow him to his house and get the money he’d skimmed, which he claimed was locked in a safe at his home. Dumb motherfucker, Crash thought as he walked back toward the kitchen to find Shannon.

Jason was all too happy to take the new position and the raise in pay that went with it. So, with that handled, they’d be leaving as soon as Red Dog and Wolf got back, which should be any minute now. Cole was just in the office, making sure Jason was comfortable with everything before they took off.

Crash walked into the kitchen and stopped, grinning at what he saw. Stacy had her head down on her arm, asleep on the table. Shannon was stretched out on th

e couch, lying on her side, her back to him. He strolled over to the table and gently shook Stacy’s shoulder. “Hey.”

She lifted her head and sat up, looking sleepily up at him.

“Got a couple questions for you.”

She yawned. “Okay.”


Her lip curled up. “What about him?”

He chuckled. “I think that expression says it all, but tell me what you think of him.”

“He’s a slim-ball. Always wanting freebies. Thinks he’s entitled.”

Crash’s brows shot up. “You don’t give that shit away, not to anybody. Got me?”

She nodded. “Easy for you to say. You won’t be here later.”

“Darlin’, he won’t be here later, either.”

“So, who’s gonna run the place?”


She made a power fist and pulled it to her waist. “Yes!”

Crash laughed outright. “Good to know you approve.”

“Thank you, Jesus! Hell, yes, I approve. Jason is great.”

He grinned and nodded toward the door. “Get some sleep, darlin’. And thanks for keepin’ an eye on her for me.”

Stacy stretched and got up. “You’re welcome. She’s hilarious. I haven’t laughed that much in a long time.”

“Yeah, she’s a riot,” he agreed with a grin and headed over to the couch. Squatting down at Shannon’s back, he shook her gently. “Princess.” She was out like a light. Damn, he hated to have to wake her. He moved to sit on the edge of the couch and leaned over her, his hand resting on the back cushion. With his free hand, he gently brushed back a strand of hair that had fallen in her face. “Shannon, babe, wake up.”

She took a deep breath, and then frowned and finally opened her eyes, squinting at the light.

He grinned down at her. “Rise and shine, baby.”

She blinked and looked toward the sliding glass door where the first streaks of sunrise were coming in. “Is it morning already?”

“Yeah, Shannon. It’s morning.” He stood up and took her hand, helping her to sit up. Then he pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling her head. “We’re gonna hit the road in a few minutes. There’s a bathroom at the end of the hall. Go use it, and I’ll make you a cup of coffee.”

“God that would be heavenly.”

He released her and aimed her sleepy body toward the door, giving her a smack on the butt to get her moving.