God, it felt good to make her smile. “Yeah. You ever been to Lake Tahoe?”

She shook her head. “You’d take me there? For real?”

He laughed. “Yeah. For real.”

“Let’s go. Let’s go now, Crash.”

“Okay, baby. But I gotta make a stop at the clubhouse first.”


Crash and Shannon were riding to the clubhouse. They’d packed a couple of changes of clothes and were going to be on their way out of town as soon as Crash checked in with Cole. He needed to get the low-down on what trouble the Devil Kings were stirring up and make sure it was okay if he took off for a couple days.

About a mile from the clubhouse, three bikes pulled up on their tail. Crash checked his mirror. Green, Wolf and Red Dog. About that time, he felt Shannon’s hands slide up under his tee shirt. She began tickling him. Crash’s bike wobbled as he jerked in reaction. He heard her giggle in response.

He made the turn into the industrial park, heading the two

blocks down the dead-end street to the clubhouse, when Shannon became even bolder. He felt her hands at the waistband of his jeans, undoing the top button. A moment later, he felt her reaching inside. With the first stroke of her hand, he almost laid the bike down.

Jesus Christ.

He dropped his left hand from the handle grip and yanked her hand out. And damned if he didn’t hear her giggle. So, she thought this was funny?

Crash made the turn into the clubhouse and told her over his shoulder, “When I stop this bike, you better jump off and run, because you are so dead when I get my hands on you.”

Cole and Angel were sitting in the parking lot, out by the picnic table. A line of bikes were parked in the lot. All eyes turned to him as he rolled in hot, flying through the lot.

Shannon was already unbuckling her helmet and even before Crash brought the bike to a stop, she dropped it on the ground and was jumping off the back. Before he could get the kickstand down, she took off running. Crash jumped off, flinging his helmet down and took off after her. He chased her around the picnic table and around the bikes. “C’mere, you little troublemaker!”

The second time she ran around the picnic table, trying to keep it between them, Crash went right up over the top. She squealed and made a dash for it. She didn’t get two steps before he caught her, tossing her up on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Your ass is mine now, woman.”

“Crash! Put me down, you big oaf!” Smack. He cracked his palm on her ass. “Oww!”

“Keep up that back-talk and that smart mouth of yours is going to get you in even more trouble. And believe me, Princess, you’re in plenty already.”


“Cole, can I borrow your room?” Crash asked as he was passing the picnic table on his way inside. Cole sent his keys flying through the air. Crash snagged them in his fist.

“Crash, put me down!”

“The sheets are clean, Shannon. I just changed them,” Angel called after them with a grin.

“You hear that, Princess? Clean sheets. Lucky you,” Crash teased.

“Bite me!” she yelled back at him as she hung upside down.

Crash turned his head and sank his teeth into her ass. “Be careful what you wish for, baby.”


The guys in the lot were all laughing their asses off. Angel pulled her cell phone out and snapped a picture of Crash with Shannon thrown over his shoulder as he walked away. She looked at the screen. “Aw, that’s adorable.”

Red Dog, Wolf and Green dismounted from their bikes and walked over to where Cole and Angel sat. Cole asked them, “What the hell was that all about?”

They were still laughing. “Her hands were all over him, and he was all over the road. We thought for sure he was gonna lay his bike down,” Wolf supplied.

Cole nodded looking back at the door they went through. “Yup. She deserves an ass beating for that one.”