“Cole!” Angel protested.

“Babe, you ever did the same thing, and I almost wrecked us, you wouldn’t sit down for a week,” he threatened.

She smiled and rolled her eyes, not believing him for a minute.

He caught the look. “Mama, you think I’m kidding, try me.”

Crash carried Shannon through the bar amid a lot of laughter and ribbing, hoots and hollers. He continued on up the stairs and down the hall, stopping outside Cole’s room. He fumbled with the keys and unlocked the door. Carrying her inside, he dumped her on the bed. She bounced once before landing flat on her back. “Was that caveman act really necessary?” she snapped.

“You bet it was, Princess.”


“Because I got a point to make. You don’t pull that shit and get away with it, you hearin’ me, Shannon?”

She looked at the expression on his face. He was really mad. “Crash, I didn’t mean anything by it. It was just payback for what you did to me this morning. Making sure Cole saw you on top of me, not letting me up.”

“Payback? We playin’ that game? What’s next? We gonna start keepin’ score?”

“But, Crash-”

“Baby, I’m all for having fun—but that shit on the bike just now,” he pointed in the general direction of the parking lot. “That could have got us both killed. I ain’t playin’ with you, baby. I’m serious as a heart attack.”

She got to her feet. “I-I’m sorry, Crash. I didn’t think you’d be that affected by it.”

“You didn’t think running your hands all over me and running your hands over my dick would have an effect on me? Is that what you’re standing there telling me? Seriously, Shannon?”


“You’ve got no clue, have you?”

She looked at him, frowning.

“No clue how you effect me.” He moved to her, hooking his fingers in the belt loops at her hips and pulling her to him, her crotch up against his. “Babe, until last night…my dick’s been in hell. I’ve been hard for you for two weeks. Since the day you walked into Marty’s rolling that damn suitcase behind you. You pulled those damn designer shades off, and I melted right there.”

“You didn’t even like me when we first met.”

“Didn’t like your stuck up attitude. Didn’t mean my dick didn’t respond.”

“Such a romantic.” She rolled her eyes.

“You want romance, sweetheart? Or you want real?”

She cocked her head to the side. “I’ll pick romance.”


“Shut up, and kiss me.”

“Think I can do better than that, Princess.” He picked her up and came down on the bed on top of her.


Five hours later, they pulled into South Lake Tahoe. Crash rode up Lake Tahoe Blvd along the shore. They passed a brewery pub, and he pulled into a motel within walking distance. They climbed off the bike, and he went in and got them a room.

Fifteen minutes later, Crash unlocked the door to their room, and they entered. It was just a basic, no frills room. He tossed there gear on the dresser and threw himself on his back on the queen size bed. “C’mere, little girl,” he invited with a waggle of his eyebrows.

Shannon smiled and jumped on top of him.