Looking up at him, she asked, “Are they leaving?”

He winked at her. “Workin’ on it, babe.” He returned to the kitchen.

“You getcha a morning quickie?” Red Dog asked him wi

th a wink.

Crash glared at him.

“You got time for another.” Red Dog grinned back and offered, “We’ll wait.”

“Not real big on rushed sex, Dog,” Crash replied.

“Rushed can be fun. Sometimes me and Mary try to beat the microwave clock.”

“That’s gotta be good for her,” Wolf replied sarcastically

Crash shook his head. “Just stop speaking. All of you.”

Green groaned, touching his swollen face. A puffy bruise showing under the cut that ran across his upper eye where Crash had split it open with a couple of elbows to the face last night.

Red Dog looked over at him and growled, “Quit milkin’ this thing.”

“It fuckin’ hurts. Quit bein’ such an asshole about it,” Green snapped back.

“I prefer to think of myself as gruff, but loveable,” Red Dog responded.

Looking Green over closely, Crash teased him with a grin, “Your face is blown up like a Puffer fish, Green. Didn’t you read the warning on the prescription bottle that said ‘alert your doctor right away, these may increase the risk of certain side effects’?”

“Shut the fuck up, asshole.”

Crash chuckled.

“I see a couple of bruises on you, too,” Green replied, nodding toward Crash’s bare torso, where several bruises showed plainly on his ribs.

“Yeah. You got a couple good shots in, brother. I’ll give you that.”

Red Dog looked over at Green. “Do me a favor. Run down to the bikes and get me my smokes.”

“I don’t do favors.”

“Come on, Green. This is a chance to redeem your really bad karma.”

“I don’t have bad karma,” Green insisted.

Red Dog snorted. “Yeah, right.”

“So, was there a point to this visit?” Crash asked Cole as the toaster popped up with two steaming waffles. Green moved to get a plate down from the cabinet and plopped the two waffles down, shaking his fingers out.

“Ow. That’s hot.”

“Make yourself at home, why don’t you,” Crash growled.

Green looked over at him, licking his burnt fingers. “Thanks. I will.”

“Wyatt had some info for Mack last night,” Cole said.

Crash gave Green a final glare, and then he turned to Cole. “Yeah? What’s that?”