He tossed the lingerie on the bed and winked at her, before his eyes moved to Crash. “Get out of bed. We got business to discuss.”

“You could’ve called,” Crash replied, one hand dropping to the sheet covering his cock, and he wiped himself dry.

“I did, shithead. Apparently, you were too busy to answer.”

“Yeah, that should’ve clued you in,” Crash grumbled as he pushed the sheet back and stood up in all his naked glory. He pulled his jeans on, tucked himself in, but left the placket undone. As he saw Cole’s smirking eyes move from him to Shannon, he growled, “That’s all the show you’re gonna get. Get the fuck out.”

Cole chuckled and walked out.

Crash leaned down, his palms on the bed next to Shannon’s head. His voice softened, his eyes holding more compassion for her predicament as he gave her a quick kiss, ordering, “Stay right there. We’re not done yet.”

“You’re joking.”

“Nope.” He brushed another tender kiss on her lips and pulled back. As he moved out of the room, he pulled one of his folded tee shirts off the top of the dresser and tossed it to her. Then he walked out of the bedroom. Following the scent of fresh brewing coffee, he moved to the kitchen.

Green was standing with one hand on the freezer door, studying a box of frozen waffles in his other hand. “Why does he buy this brand of waffles? I hate this brand.”

“You know, you could solve that problem by having breakfast in your own damn house,” Crash replied, moving toward the coffee pot. He pulled the carafe from the burner and poured himself a mug.

Turning he leaned back against the counter, taking a sip. He squinted his tired eyes at his visitors, taking in Cole, Red Dog, Wolf and Green. His palm slid down his bare chest, over his abs to his belly just above the still unbuttoned jeans, scratching. He yawned listening to their banter as Green tore into the box and dropped a couple waffles in the toaster.

“They’re making my kid kiss a girl in a school play,” Red Dog was saying, nursing a cup of coffee.

“They made me kiss a girl once in a school play,” Wolf put in.

“Yeah, but nobody made you sleep with her,” Cole snapped back, not missing a beat.

“Nope,” Wolf grinned. “Thought that part up all on my own.” He moved toward the coffeemaker, pouring a cup.

Crash leaned back against the counter, sipping his coffee. He watched Wolf as he moved to the refrigerator and pulled out some milk, adding it to his cup. Crash frowned. “What are you doing?”

Wolf looked over at him. “Makin’ a cup of coffee. That okay with you?”

“Since when did you start drinking it light?”

“I don’t.” Wolf grinned. “But Shannon does.”

Crash’s brows shot up. “How the hell do you know how she takes her coffee?”

Wolf grinned. “Had coffee with her when I brought her the seat.”

“So, you think you’re bringin’ my woman coffee in bed?”

“Well, you appear to be fallin’ down on the job. Guess you don’t know how to treat a lady.”

“Yeah, like you do.”

“My women never have cause for complaint. I always make sure they are well taken care of.”

“Somehow I get the feeling Crystal would disagree with that. She didn’t look too happy with you last night.”

“Women have a tendency to get emotional.”

“Women have a tendency to get emotional when you treat ‘em like crap.”

Wolf tilted his head to the side as if to say ‘don’t even go there’.

“Give me that,” Crash snapped, pulling the mug from Wolf’s hand. He walked to the bedroom. Moving around the bed, he set the steaming mug down on the nightstand. Shannon now had the tee shirt on, but she also had the sheet clutched to her.