
Putting his arm around her, he pulled her to him. “C’mere, sweetheart. Lay your head down on my chest.” He put his palm to her head, guiding her head down. Her arm wrapped around his abs, and she snuggled against his heat. “Can you hear my heartbeat?”

She nodded against him.

“Just lay there, and clear your mind of all those crazy thoughts running around in that pretty head of yours, and just concentrate on my heartbeat.” He began to run his fingers through her hair, stroking her head, his fingers occasionally running back and forth across her forehead, as if he were wiping those thoughts away.

She listened to his heartbeat. Ba-bump. Ba-bump.

“Take a deep breath,” he instructed.

She did. A deep, cleansing breath.

“Let it all go, Shannon. For a few hours, just let it all go.”

She listened to the sound of his deep voice, his soothing deep voice and felt his chest rise and fall with his breathing.

“No more worries, Princess. Let it all go.”

He continued to stroke her head as his heart beat beneath her ear, steady and strong, lulling her with its comforting rhythm.

Five minutes later, she was out like a light. He dipped his chin to glance down at her and smiled.


Crash woke up to the feeling of a soft warm naked female body pressed up against him. Turning his head, he breathed in the light floral scent of her shampoo as he nuzzled her head. He came up on his elbow and looked down at her. Goddamn, she was beautiful, especially all soft and tousled and looking sexually sated.

It had been a while since he had woken to a woman in his bed. And never in all his years to one this stunningly beautiful. Sure, he’d had his share of women, but usually not here, and they almost never stayed the night.

Last night, he’d been rough, taking what he wanted, barely able to control himself after being so sexually aroused for weeks. And yet, she’d taken everything he’d had to give, and goddamn if she didn’t seem to like it, to want more.

But he wanted her to know he could be gentle, too. He wanted to make sure she knew that her satisfaction was just as important to him. With that in mind, he brushed a soft kiss to her lips and slid down between her legs. She moaned and turned her head, but didn’t awaken.

He smiled and nuzzled her, his tongue swiping gently over her. Her leg shifted. He grasped her cheeks and pulled her to him, holding her still as his mouth worked over her. She began shifting, thrashing. Her fingers threaded through his hair, and he looked up her body, his eyes connecting with her sleepy ones.

“Crash,” she protested, trying to pull away. He held her still.

“Let me, Princess. Don’t pull away.”

She relaxed back and let him have his way, moaning with pleasure at his ministrations. It wasn’t long before he had her teetering on the sharp edge of ecstasy. His arms stretched up, his hands closing over her breasts. He took a nipple in each thumb and forefinger and twisting and pinching, he sent her hurtling over the edge into a frenzied bliss.

He only gave her a moment’s respite to float back down to earth before his powerful body slid up over her. Brushing the hair back from her face, he grinned down at her. “Good morning.”

She smiled back. “Yes, it’s definitely starting off good.”

“You on the pill, Princess?” he asked.

She blinked at the change in topic. “Yes, of course. Why?”

He smiled. “Because I’m wanting to take you bare. I’m clean, I swear.”

She searched his eyes.

“Baby, I’d never put you at risk. I’d never do that to you.”

“All right, I want that, too.”

He kissed her as he lifted and plunged inside of her. He gritted his teeth. “Fuck, baby. My God you feel incredible. Hot and wet and fucking heaven.” He began thrusting, his body moving over hers, his muscles flexing with every long deep stroke. His mouth latched onto the skin below her ear, and he sucked. Her moaning response drove his thrusts into a more urgent rhythm, his strokes beginning to accelerate.