Shannon panted, trying to slow her breathing. She’d never been controlled that way, handled with raw need. Crash had no reservations about what he needed or wanted in the bedroom. He was unashamed of the male urges and instincts that ruled him when he allowed them free rein.

His hand came up and swept her hair aside, his mouth brushing a soft kiss to the skin at the back of her neck. “You okay, Princess?”

She nodded. “Better than okay.” She felt him grin against the back of her neck.

“I’ll do you sweet next time. I’ll make it good for you.”

He pulled out, taking care of the condom. His arm slid under her belly, and he put a knee in the bed, dragging her up to the pillow. Then he removed her shoes and laid down, tucking her into his side with her head on his chest, his muscular arm wrapping around her body. “Did I hurt you?”

“No. I’m fine.”

“Just fine?” he teased.

“Ok, better than fine. Way better.”

Lying in the aftermath of explosive sex with Crash somehow felt so right to Shannon. Her walls crumbled even more as he held her in his arms, his hand slowly caressing up and down her arm.

Her fingers trailed over the tribal ink that ran up his ribs, bathing in the glow of the aftermath of the wildest sex shed ever had. His eyes followed the movement of her fingers as she traced the curves and lines. He reached out, taking her hand in his, stopping her movement. “Tell me what you’re thinking about.”

“You. Me. This.” She shrugged, her head tilting to look up at him, and she tried to lighten the mood, teasing, “Did Ms. Walker teach you all that?”

His hand cupped her face as he rolled to his side, coming up on his elbow and hovering above her. “Baby. What is it? Tell me?”

“Nothing.” She couldn’t meet his eyes, afraid to admit she was beginning to feel a strong connection to him. A connection she wasn’t sure he was feeling in return.

He turned her chin, bringing her eyes back to his. “Talk to me.”

She shook her head and countered with a smile, “Shut up and kiss me.”

His eyes searched hers as if he was considering the wisdom of continuing to press her to talk. Finally, he lowered his mouth to hers, brushing her lips softly. One soft kiss led to another and another. This time he was good to his word. His touch was gentle. He took his time, seducing her slowly, patiently. His touch moving over every inch of her skin.

And this time she was free to touch him as well, and she did. She wanted to explore him all over, every muscle, every hollow, every tattoo. Slowly, they both stoked the banking embers back into a hotly burning blaze.

The second time he sank into her, they were face to face, taking in each other’s every reaction, studying the emotions as they crossed each other’s face. He seemed to want to savor every touch, every stroke, every sensation.

This time when he shuddered his release, he was looking right in Shannon’s eyes, and she felt the connection that was beginning to develop between them deepen and intensify.

Later, as they settled in, Crash could feel Shannon rolling over for what had to be the fourth time. She just kept tossing and turning in the sheets. The covers slid off him, and he made a grab for them. “Baby, settle down. Damn, you’re restless in bed.”

She slugged the pillow. “Sorry, I’m restless.”

“Even after that incredible bout of sex we just had?” He grinned and teased, “Even after that incredible bout of my awesomeness I just bestowed upon you?”

She smiled and teased right back, “Oh, your awesomeness is pretty incredible, all right.” Then with more seriousness, she continued, “I just don’t sleep.”

His movements froze. “What do you mean, you don’t sleep?”

“I don’t sleep.”

His brows shot up. “Ever?”

She shrugged.

He stared at her. “So you mean every night you’ve been lying in this bed while I’ve been out on the couch, you’ve been in here wide awake?”

She nodded. “I toss and turn and my mind just keeps going over and over things like an endless loop in my head.” She looked over at him and made a move to get out of bed. “I’m sorry. I have some sleeping pills I can take.”

He grabbed her arm, stopping her. “Like hell you will.”