They watched the fight. Sometime during the third round, Shane made his way through the crowd to Crystal. Wolf watched him like a hawk from his place on the other side of Red Dog. He watched him dip his head to Crystal, and then heard him ask her, “I’m up next. Can I get a kiss for luck?”

Then he watched her pull his head down for a long, slow kiss. Shane moved off toward the other side of the cage, to the area reserved for fighters to get ready. Crystal turned and looked right at Wolf. She held his gaze a moment. As he watched, she put her little chin in the air and headed off in the direction of the hallway toward the front bar.

Wolf moved to follow her but felt a firm hand on his bicep, halting him. He turned back, and Cole got in his face, his eyes moving from Wolf to Crystal’s retreating back. “Told you once, brother, cut her loose.”

“I did.”

“Yeah, then let this slide. You fight him, and you leave that shit in the cage. You feel me, brother?”

Wolf nodded, pulled his arm free and moved through the crowd, following Crystal. He caught up with her in the long hallway. Wrapping a large strong arm around her waist, he halted her progress and backed her up against the wall. “Fifty bucks says I beat the crap out of your new boyfriend.”

“Yeah, and when you win I’ll make the check out to arrogant, selfish dickhead.”

Wolf clutched his chest and snapped back, sarcastically, “Ooww, right through the heart, babe.”

Mack came through the back door and down the hall. Taking in the scene between Wolf and Crystal, he let out a frustrated breath. “Just so I know, who am I supposed to be mad at?”

They both answered simultaneously.



Mack looked between them and shook his head. Then he turned to Wolf and growled, “Don’t you have a fight to get ready for?”

“Right,” Wolf snapped, and with a final glare at Crystal, he stalked off.

When he was gone, Mack turned to her. “You okay, darlin’?”

She nodded, her eyes still on the door that Wolf had disappeared through.

“You and him, that’s done,” Mack ordered.

“I know,” she whispered, her eyes still on the door.

“I’m serious as a heart attack, babe.” He watched her eyes move to his. He saw the sadness there as she nodded. Mack reached out a hand and brushed the side of her head tenderly. Then he curled his arm around her neck and turned her toward the door that led to the bar. “Come on, sweetheart. I’ll buy you a beer.”

A little while later, they were all gathered around the cage as Shane fought Wolf.

Cole leaned close to Crash’s ear and yelled to be heard over the crowd. “Jake knocking out Cajun bodes well for his future in the club. Guys are already lining up to sponsor him.”

Crash nodded. “Jake and Shane will make good prospects.”

“Word is you’re up next. Green’s chompin’ at the bit.” He nodded across the room to where Green already had his gloves on and was shadow boxing the air, his powerful shoulder muscles already showing a sheen of sweat.

Shannon heard Cole’s words, and her eyes moved over Green. She wasn’t particularly fond of the man, but she had to admit, he was built like a brick house. She swallowed, beginning to worry about Crash. Not that she didn’t think he could hold his own, but as her eyes moved to the two men currently pounding on each other, this was all becoming very real. Someone could get hurt. Seriously hurt. God, she didn’t want Crash to get hurt.

She broke her eyes from the savageness of the spectacle taking place in the cage, and her eyes traveled across the crowd gathered around the cage. She spotted Mack and another man who was wearing a cut with a different patch on the back. It wasn’t Evil Dead. His patch said Dead Souls. And then she remembered, that had been where they’d taken her after pulling her from the back of that van years ago. They’d stopped at the Dead Souls clubhouse. Some ramshackle place out in the mountains somewhere.

Angel stood to her left with Mary, and Crystal had moved to her right. Poking Angel in the side, she nodded towards the man. “He looks familiar.”

Angel followed her eyes, and then replied, “That’s Wyatt, President of the Dead Souls.”

Shannon nodded.

Angel and Mary both became engrossed in the fight, whistling and cheering for Wolf. Shannon’s eyes moved to a pretty blonde hanging on the side of the elevated cage. Misty.

“Come on Shane!” Shannon turned to see Jake cheering his buddy on.