“Get him, Wolf!” Misty shouted.

“Wolf’s back with Misty?” Shannon asked Crystal, eyeing the girl standing near the cage, cheering Wolf on.


“He ever do that before? Go back to one of them?”


Shannon’s eyes ran over Crystal’s face, noting the way her chin was tilted up. “He’s making a statement, then. I’m guessing this is about you.”


Shannon grinned and looked back at the cage. “So, my question is, who’re you pulling for?”

Crystal gave her a grin. “I’m kind of hoping Shane wipes the floor with him.”

Shannon let out a chuckle, shaking her head. “You are so bad.”

“Hey, why should I be the only one hurting?”

Shannon put her arm around Crystal, giving her a squeeze. “I’d say you are so full of shit, but I’m not sure you’re joking.”

“What about you? You’ve got something on the line for the next fight coming up.”

Shannon gave her a shy grin and mimicked Crystal’s accent back at her. “Yup.”

Crystal shoved her away, laughing. “Bitch.”

Shannon teased Crystal, eyeing both Wolf and Shane, “Umm, hmm, hmm. Nothing like a gorgeous ripped hunk of man all sweaty and powerful, and showing off all those muscles.”

“You said it, sista. Fight night, gotta love it. A bunch of men beating the shit out of each other, and a bunch of women getting off on it.”

“Especially if one of the guys in the cage is beating the shit out of someone for you.” Shannon gave Crystal a knowing look.

“Umm Hmm.”

Angel let out an ear piercing whistle, really getting into it.

Laughing and covering her ears, Shannon turned to her. “Damn, girl, you could blow out an eardrum with that whistle.”

“Sorry. I get excited.”

“Do you come to all these fights?”

“No, but I wouldn’t miss this one for the world.”

“Why is that?”

“Because Crash is fighting tonight. For you.”

“He’s not fighting for me.”

“No, but you are the prize,” Crystal put in from her other side.

“Oh, God. I never should have told you that. Does everyone know?”

“I don’t think so. Not from me,” Crystal replied.