Crystal ran her hands over Shane’s shoulders from behind. “Hey, handsome. Buy a girl a drink?”

Shane twisted his head to look. “Hey, sweetheart.” Then he looked over at Cole. “Ah, we were kind of in the middle of a conversation here.”

Cole grinned and waved him off. “We’ll talk later.”

Shane swiveled on his barstool and slid his arm around Crystal’s waist, his eyes skating down her body. “I’d love to buy you a drink, darlin’.”

“Sweetheart. Darlin’. I like those so much better than the ma’am you called me earlier.”

“I’ll remember that,” Shane replied, pulling her closer.

Cole laughed and turned to say something to Red Dog on his other side, when out of the corner of his eye, he saw Wolf moving towards them, his eyes on Crystal. Cole straightened, angling back toward Shane and Crystal, knowing what was probably about to happen.

Sure enough, Wolf walked up, grabbed Crystal by the arm and started pulling her away. She looked back at Shane, like she didn’t want to leave him, but she kept her mouth shut and followed behind Wolf.

Shane began to come off his barstool, and Cole put a hand to his chest, pushing him back down. Their eyes connected. “Lesson one, you don’t challenge a patched member. Ever. That clear?”

Shane’s eyes moved from Cole to where Wolf was now pulling Crystal up the flight of stairs and back to Cole. “Yes, sir.”

At the top of the stairs, Crystal pulled back. “Wolf, what the hell-”

“What the hell crawled up your ass?” he demanded.

“Nothing. Let go of me.”

“Not a chance. Changed my mind about your offer, kitten.”

“I thought you had other plans.”

“I always do. When has that ever stopped us?”

“Where’s your girl?”

“Gave her to Green.”

“What, did you run another one off?”

He slid one hand up her leg, edging his fingers under the hem of her dress. “Don’t I always?”

She slapped his hand away. “And you always think you can come running to me.”

“I know I can.”

“I’m not that easy.”

“Sweetheart, nothing about you is ever easy.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you’re the most complicated woman I’ve ever known. And I can’t fucking stay away from you. No matter how hard I try.”

The look in her eyes went soft, but she still pushed against his chest. “You need a new game, Wolf. That one’s getting old.”

“You like our game. As much as I do.” He grabbed her wrists again and backed her into the wall, hard, pinning

her there. He watched her eyes flare with arousal. “Is this what you were going for, Crystal? Is this what you wanted? What you were trying to drive me to with that little display downstairs? Say it. Admit it.”

“Never,” she gasped, twisting her face away, showing him her neck