His mouth was suddenly on her neck, just below her ear, and then he was trailing kisses along to the curve of her shoulder. The tip of his tongue sliding over her skin before his mouth closed on her neck and sucked, gently at first, and then firmer. She felt her skin flush, and her breathing quickened. Dear God, it wasn’t fair how he could do this to her with just the touch of his mouth. Shannon trembled and felt his hold tighten. He was starting to have such an effect on her. She knew it was dangerous, letting herself fall for a man like him, but the feelings his touch was enticing out of her were starting to overwhelm her.

One of the girls danced up to their table, she shimmied and gyrated, her tiny G-string stuffed full of bills. Rather than lavishing attention on the men at the table, she zeroed in on Shannon. She reached out her hands, and taking Shannon’s hands, she tugged, trying to pull her from her place. “Come on, sugar. Dance with me.”

Shannon pulled back, reluctant. Crash leaned in, his mouth brushing her ear. “Go. I want you to. Let her teach you a few moves. You can show them to me later.”

Maybe it was the shot she’d had. Maybe it was the sound of his deep voice in her ear telling her he wanted her to do this. Telling, not asking. Maybe it was his warm hands on her bare hips already easing her forward. She didn’t know, but she suddenly found herself being pulled forward a few steps from the table. And then the girl was moving, instructing Shannon. Soon she was moving to the music, her eyes drifting closed, feeling the beat of the music pulsing through her. Her hips undulating, her arms reaching sinuously over her head.

Crash watched, hypnotized by the fluid, graceful movements of her lithe body. Rolling. Rippling. Swaying. He couldn’t take his eyes from the curve of her hips as they slowly twisted, rotating right, and then left. His eyes were drawn to the sparkling rhinestone that dangled and swung from her belly button. He longed to drop to his knees at her feet and put his mouth on that belly. And he knew the vision of how she was moving for him would haunt his dreams and play front and center in every jerk-off fantasy he had from now on.

He’d been hard since he’d first seen her walk through the door. And now, here she was, shocking the shit out of him by actually going along with the fun and dancing for him. Life around her was never dull.

Cole reached over shoving a five dollar bill in the waistband at her hip, and it snapped Crash out of his daze. Without conscious thought, he slipped two fingers in the back of Shannon’s leather halter and pulled tight, tugging her back into his hard body. “Show’s over.”

“Crash!” Shannon baulked.

He yanked the bill from her waistband, and flung it back at Cole.

“Hey, that’s mine. I earned it!” Shannon protested, laughing, trying to snatch it back.

“You sure did, babe,” Cole agreed with a grin and a wink.

Crash pulled her back. “What the hell, you looking for a new profession?”

“You wanted me to dance. What’s your problem?”

“My problem is you having a little fun is one thing. Guys starting to shove money down your pants is another.”

She laughed. “Spoil sport.”

Cole pretended to glare at Crash. “Well since you just sucked all the fun out of it, I’m getting another drink.” He got up and headed toward the bar, pausing just long enough to brush a kiss to the top of Shannon’s head and then lean in and whisper, “That was awesome, hot-stuff.”

Crash jerked his head at Red Dog, indicating he wanted him to give them some time alone. Red Dog got up and followed Cole.

Shannon took another sip of her drink and looked around the crowded room.

Crash stroked his thumb slowly up and down the curve of her waist, his eyes falling to the sexy line of her shoulder blades bared to him. He wanted to lick his tongue along her spine and watch her shudder in reaction. Instead, he lowered his head to the curve of her neck and inhaled. She smelled amazing, her intoxicating, provocative scent filling his head and enflaming his desire further.

At the touch of his mouth along her shoulder, she twisted her head to him, and her palm reached up and captured the side of his face, holding him close. She pressed a soft kiss to the side of his throat, and he growled, “That’s nice, baby. Do it again.”

She did.

He pressed kisses along her shoulder. “You smell so fucking good.” One of his palms slid down over her hip to her ass, and he squeezed.

His hand on her bottom was so damn erotic. Crash was changing everything she thought she knew about herself in just a week. He stood behind her, his eyes following her every move. Her skin flushed with a tingling warmth everywhere his eyes strayed. She couldn’t stop herself from responding to his every look, his every touch.

Her back against his chest, she could feel his hard cock prodding her backside, letting her know just how much he was effected by her as well.

She couldn’t stop herself from melting into Crash’s chest. She was warm from the alcohol and feeling her power as a woman. It made her want to entice him, to tempt him to touch her, so she writhed against him.

His response was quick, his big hands suddenly closing roughly over her breasts as he spoke in her ear. “You trying to stir me up? Hmm? Trying to provoke me, Princess? Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.”

Wolf sat at a table, watching the entertainment. Every time he let his gaze stray to the left, Crash had his hands all over Shannon, touching and cuddling. Jealousy clawed at Wolf’s gut, especially with Crystal flirting with those two new buddies of Crash’s at the far end of the bar, looking sexy as hell in that little black dress and acting like Wolf didn’t fucking exist.

If that’s the way she wanted to play it that was fucking fine with him. Wolf could have any one of Sonny’s girls sitting in his lap with a crook of his finger. Picking up his beer, he downed the rest of it, his eyes straying back to Crystal. A moment later, he was slamming the bottle back down on the table, and before he could stop himself, he was out of his chair and heading towards her.

Cole sat at the bar, next to Shane. “So you’re serious about prospecting?”

Shane looked to Jake on his right, and then back at Cole. “Yes, sir. We’ve talked with Crash about it.”