“Perhaps her sister, Shelby, would be more receptive to-”

“Yes, well, unfortunately it isn’t Shelby that I want. I want Shannon. Shannon has spirit.

Shelby, well, I would break Shelby’s spirit in a week. No, I’m afraid I’m looking for a bit more of a challenge, old chap.”

“But, Nicklaus-”

“Have I not been clear? Without Shannon, there is no deal. And without the deal, you, my fine chap, are as you Americans put it ‘screwed’. We both know it. You need this merger. I know it. You know it. And if you need a bit more incentive, I have some information regarding your use of insider information pertaining to my company, that I am sure your Securities Exchange Commission would find very interesting indeed. Insider-trading, I believe you Americans call it. A very serious offense, I’m told. You could serve years in federal prison.”

“All right, Nicklaus. You’ve made your point.”

“I’ll stop at nothing to make her mine. Completely. Absolutely. Undeniably. Mine! And nothing and no one is going to get in my way. Do you understand?”

“I understand.”

Shannon had fled to her room. Not wanting to hear anymore.

And now, here she was, hiding out with an MC. How pathetic was that? How had her life ever gotten to this point? She caught a sob in her throat, not wanting to awaken Crash, and a tear rolled down her cheek.


The next morning, Crash was lying on the couch, barely awake. He hadn’t opened his eyes yet, but he knew it was morning. He could feel the sun streaming in from the skylights up above. A moment later he heard the rumble of motorcycles out on the street. They grew closer. He listened to the sound of their pipes and counted them. One, two, three bikes rolled to a stop outside. Fucking hell.

A moment later, his cell went off, not surprisingly. He put it to his ear. “Yeah.”

“Get up, fucker. And let us in the Batcave,” Red Dog’s voice boomed in his ear before he disconnected.

Crash threw the phone on the coffee table and sat up. He ran his hand over his face, squinting at the early morning light. Christ, it was too early to deal with these jokers. He got up, walked over to the security pad on the wall near the elevator and punched in a code. He heard the steel garage door downstairs start to roll up. Obviously, Cole wasn’t with them or they wouldn’t have had to call him to get in. Cole was the only person who had the security code to gain access to his building. Something that, thankfully, he didn’t abuse. Crash sent the elevator down to the first level as he heard the sounds of their bikes rolling inside and the door rolling back down. Then, yawning, he ran a hand down his chest, and moved toward the kitchen.

He was standing in the open door of the refrigerator, gulping down some orange juice straight out of the carton, when the elevator came up. The gate crashed open, and Red Dog, Green and Wolf poured out.


Crash glared at Dog, wondering what the hell he’d brought these two along for. Dog shrugged his shoulders and explained, “They heard about her. Words out, man.”

“Mack doesn’t know, does he?”

“Naw. Surprised Cole let these two yahoos in on it. Swore ‘em to secrecy, so you’re all good.”

Green was carrying Shannon’s bag. He set it down, glancing around, his eyes especially traveling to the chain divider. “Where is she?” Crash knew with the sun streaming in from overhead and sparkling off the silver chains that his brothers couldn’t see shit, but it still irked him.

“In my bed, fucker. What’s it to ya?” Crash slammed the refrigerator door and saw Green’s eyes sweep down his body taking in the fact that he was barely dressed.

Green grinned, “You tap that?”

“Shut the fuck up,” Crash snapped back.

Wolf strolled over to the sectional and plopped down. His eyes straying to the pillow and blanket, he snorted, “Don’t look like. Looks like lover-boy, here, spent the night on the couch all by his lonesome.”

Red Dog’s eyes came to Crash. “Seriously, man? No joke, you didn’t hit that up?”

Crash rested his palms on the island and dropped his head, glaring at him from under his brows.

Red Dog grinned. “Don’t give me that look, fucker. I saw the bitch yesterday. It’s a fair fuckin’ question.”

While Crash and Dog talked, Green had wandered over to the entrance to the bedroom. Crash heard the strands of paperclips tinkle as Green swept them to the side.

Red Dog saw the look on Crash’s face. “You might as well let them see her. It’s what they came for.”