Shannon lay unmoving in the bed, she’d awoken when the gate to the elevator had slammed open, her eyes flying open. She’d lain there, frozen, listening to the voices of three other men. More members of Crash’s club, from the sound of it. Crap. Here she was, lying in his bed, barely dressed in just his tee and a pair of panties. And to make matters worse, she’d kicked the covers off with the heat of the early morning sun streaming in. She could see the men clearly through the chains that were only a couple of feet from the bed. Could they see her just as clearly?

She lay there listening to their banter back and forth as they ribbed Crash about her. Her arm slid slowly down trying to get the sheet without them noticing her movement through the chain, but, damn, it was out of reach. Then she froze as she saw the shape of one of them heading straight for the entrance to the bedroom. All she could think to do was shut her eyes and feign sleep.

She heard the rustle of the paperclips tinkle and tried to see through a slit in her eyelids. The man had the strands of paperclips swept to the side and held in one big fist. “You got a piece like that in your bed, and you ain’t doin’ nothin’ with it?” she heard the man question in a low voice. He stepped into the room, letting the clips fall. She squeezed her eyes shut, praying that Crash would come, and make him leave.

“Goddamn, she’s pretty.” This closer, like he was standing at the foot of the bed. She tried hard to maintain slow and even breathing as if she were sleeping, the whole time painfully aware that she was lying there uncovered, on her side, her one leg canted, showing the curve of her hip. And to make matters worse, Crash’s tee had ridden up and was all twisted around her waist, giving this man a clear shot of her lace panties, her legs, the skin between her panties and belly button and probably half her ass. My God, she was mortified and too terrified to open her eyes. But, so help her, if he reached out and touched her, she was going to jump up on the bed, scream and maybe karate kick him. Oh, please, Crash, make him leave, she chanted over and over in her head.

She heard the paperclip strands rustle loudly as if they’d been flung violently to the side, and then Crash’s voice in a quiet rumble as if he was holding himself back from shouting so as not to awaken her. “Get the fuck away from her.”

“Okay, man. Chill out. I wasn’t gonna touch her,” the man whispered back.

Shannon dared a peek through the slit in her eye, peering through her lashes. The man was still at the foot of the bed, his hand resting on one of the posts. But now, Crash was standing next to him staring down at her with a stunned look on his face. His eyes traveling slowly over her. “She’s off limits. To all of you,” he breathed.

“You keepin’ her for yourself?” the other man asked in a low voice.

“I’m taking care of her.”

“Yeah, I bet.” She saw the man make a lewd thrusting movement with his hips accompanied by a barely audible grunting sound.

“Knock it off, dickhead,” Crash hissed, smacking him upside the head.

Then another voice, and she noticed another figure step behind them, peering over Crash’s shoulder and ask quietly, “So, you’re really not gonna tap that?”

Crash looked over his shoulder at the new man, and then his gaze returned to her body lying across his bed, and he responded softly, “She’s way out of my league, Wolf.”

“She’s in your fuckin’ bed, man. How can you resist that?”

One of them shoved Crash forward toward the bed a step. “Come on, you can do it. We got faith in you.”

“Yeah, it’s just like ridin’ a bike,” another teased in a whisper.

“Knock it th

e fuck off,” Crash hissed softly.

“Well, you got more willpower than I would,” Wolf whispered in a serious voice.

Then the first man replied. “Bigger balls, too.”

“Shut up, fuck-wad.”

“Both of you, out. Now,” Crash growled. She heard them all move out of the room and opening her eyes, she saw them all return to the kitchen, where their banter continued.

“You’re just jealous ‘cause I’m anatomically correct.”

“Go suck a dick.”

Kissy noises filled the air.

“The only thing your lips are gonna be kissin’ is my fist, asshole.”

“You got any coffee, Crash?” one of them asked.

A moment later, one of them hollered out, “Hey, Baby-doll! Get out here, and make your man some coffee!”

“Shut up, man.”

“What? You gotta train ‘em right, right from the start.”