“Ha. Ha. Ha. You’re a laugh a minute.”

“I try.” Wolf walked over to Cole. “Where’s Green?”

“He’s in there with a Cowgirl and Pocahontas,” Crash supplied.

The guys looked toward the house, saying nothing.

“What, nobody’s gonna touch that?” Cole asked, squinting into the sun.

“Why? This is the most normal thing he’s ever done,?

?? Red Dog replied, and they all burst out laughing.

Cole’s cell went off, and he stepped away to take a call. When he finished the call, he informed the boys, “Mack wants us to stop off in Reno. He made a deal for a shipment of slot machines. We’re taking delivery and arranging transport for them.”

“Where are they going?”

“Birmingham Chapter.”

“How’re they getting there?”

“Mack’s got Cajun and a couple prospects bringing up a truck. They’ll meet us and take them to Birmingham.”

“Where’s this going down?”

“We’re meeting the connection at some dry cleaners on the west side. Don’t know where the drop is until we meet the guy.”

Green walked up a few minutes later.

“Done?” Crash asked, fighting a grin.

“I believe the word you’re looking for is Bravo,” Green replied.

Crash snorted.

“How’s it hangin’, Buffalo Bill?” Red Dog asked.

Green grinned, “No clue what you’re talking about.”

“Yeah, right.”

“You get ‘roped ‘n tied’?” Wolf asked, grinning.

“More like ‘tarred ‘n feathered’,” Red Dog replied with a chuckle.

The guys burst out laughing.

Green glared at Crash. “Apparently some people don’t know when to shut up.”

“Maybe you need to perfect your poker face,” Crash snapped right back. “Or pull the feather out of your beard, dumbass.”

Green frowned and reached up, running his fingers through his beard. He pulled free the stray feather that must have come from Pocahontas’s costume and looked at it. “How about that, a memento.”

Red Dog looked over at Green and shook his head. “You’re startin’ to worry me.”

Shannon looked down at the camera screen, studying the shot she’d just taken. The guys standing in front of their bikes laughing hysterically at something one of them had said. Smiling, she slipped the camera back into her purse, happy with the shot.

An ear-piercing whistle split the air, and she looked up to see Crash motioning to her. “Babe! Come on. We’re leaving.”