Page 91 of Cuffed By Love


I wipe away the tears and look back at Wyatt when he pokes his head through my door. “Yeah?” I answer, my voice wavering while I look down at the white gold bracelet between my fingers. I’ve been sat in front of my bed with a box of old memories since I got back from the office.

“Get in there.” I hear Lexi’s voice utter, and she pushes Wyatt into my room and follows him in. Wyatt comes over and sits on the floor beside me, and Lexi crawls up on my bed behind me, looking down at the mess in front of me.

“Are you okay?” Wyatt questions picking up an old photo of Devin and me. I shake my head slowly, tears that know no end stream down my cheeks.

“Not really.”

“What's going on?” Lexi asks, brushing her fingers through my hair comfortingly. “Did something happen?”

I brush away tears with my fingers and sigh, “Devin and I had a fight.”

Wyatt sighs and drops the picture, and looks over at me. “Figures. What did the gorgeous idiot do this time?”

I chew on my lip, “Everything is such a mess.” I utter miserably. “Levi is back.” Wyatt’s eyes go wide, and he shifts so he could look at me without twisting his neck awkwardly.

“Oh, sugar,” Lexi murmurs drearily from behind me. Her fingers stilling in my hair momentarily. These are the only two people who know about my secret fling with Levi King and the two that helped me pick up the pieces in the aftermath. “That’s not good.”

“Peach, start from the beginning. What happened?”

“You two already know the whole messy situation with Levi. Well, now he’s back; he said he wants us to pick up where we left off in Thailand.”

“Damn,” Lexi mumbles, surprised. “I’m sorry, but that’s hot. Imagine, it’s been a whole year almost, and he’s still hot on you.”

“He’s thinking with his knob more like. Didn’t you both agree that it was only supposed to be a holiday fling?” Wyatt questions, and I nod mutely. “What did you say?”

“I told him we shouldn’t start something if we can’t see it through. He’s only back for a couple of months. I told him we’re better off as friends, and I don’t want to complicate our friendship.” I explain, rubbing my forehead. “You two remember what a mess I was after I got back from Thailand. The back and forth phone calls, texts, he never really cut the ties with me. Unlike Devin, Levi was always there.”

“Levi’s always had a thing for you, Mimi. And when you were together in Thailand, you were happy. Those two weeks with him helped you get over the whole mess with Scott.” Lexi affirms. That was true. I was in such a state after Scott, mentally and emotionally. That was the whole purpose of our trip, to get away so I could find myself again. Well, I did. I found myself with Levi. He calmed the chaos in my mind and taught me how to meditate to control my anxiety. He helped me find myself again.

“So what happened with Devin? Did he find out about you and Levi?” Wyatt questions curiously, and I nod and explain what happened from when Levi showed up to when I almost got hit by a car.

“If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be here right now.” I admit with a shrug, “He saved my life and then I saw the necklace around his neck.” I hold up my bracelet. “The key that unlocks this heart. He’s kept it, still wears it. I had this overwhelming feeling, this warmth that I can't even explain if I tried, and before I knew what was happening, I was kissing him.”

“You kissed Devin?” Wyatt gasps, and Lexi sits up on her knees.

I nod and close my eyes. “It was only for a second. I wasn’t thinking. I just went for it.”

“What did he do? Did he kiss you back? Please say he did! Did he say anything?” Lexi asks in a flurry, excitedly bouncing up and down on my bed.

“He was shocked. And rightfully so, I mean we came close to kissing before, but he managed to stop himself, or we got interrupted before we could.” I explain and bury my head in my hands with a groan. “Then I accidentally texted him telling him I was wet. It was supposed to be for Levi, but I got distracted and ended up texting him instead.”

They both gape at me. Mouths ajar, eyes disbelieving. “Holy shit. What did he do?” Wyatt enquires.

“What do you think he did? He sent me a text back.” I show them the text, and they both gasp. “Next thing I knew, he’s in my office, and I’m pressed up on my desk with him telling me that his patience is wearing thin and he’s coming close to giving into temptation and fucking my brains out.”

Lexi squeals, “That’s so fucking hot. I would have died right there and then. Devin King telling me he wants to fuck my brains out.” She utters, fanning herself.

I look over at Wyatt, and he shakes his head at me. I can see the disappointment in his eyes. Wyatt James, forever the voice of reason when I need it. “You freaked out and told him the message was meant for Levi, didn’t you?” I nod, and he lifts my hand and kisses my knuckles.

“He was furious. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look in his eyes. Turns out that was the reason he was pissed off before because he already knew something was going on with Levi and me. He saw us kissing in the car park but didn’t say anything; he was waiting to see if I would tell him.”

“Aw, poor Devin.” Lexi mumbles cheerlessly. “I can just picture him standing there watching Levi kissing you. He must have been heartbroken.”

“Lex, what are you talking about. He has a girlfriend, remember?” Wyatt snaps at her, his brows knitted tightly. “I love the kid, but what right does he have to be heartbroken after what he did to her?”

I stared down at the photo of us years ago. We were at the end of the summer street party with the family, playing games. I was on Devin’s back, both of us laughing as we run over the finish line. My vision blurs with a fresh batch of tears. That gaping hole in my chest aches tremendously. “He even had the cheek to say, ‘does my brother know that I fucked you first’. Like I’m some sort of consolation prize, and he beat Levi to it.” I whimper. Wyatt scowls and wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him as I weep.