“Oh, what an arsehole! How dare he say something so demeaning after what he did.” Lexi huffs and slides off the bed to sit on the other side of me. “I’ve got the right mind to go over there and give him a piece of my mind. I hope you slapped him one. If you didn’t, I’ll do it for you.”
“I did, not that it made me feel any better.”
“Mira, we all know how much that idiot cares about you. As annoyed as I am with him for saying something so disgusting, he probably said it out of anger. I can’t see Devin ever saying something like that to you and meaning it. You only have to look at him to see how much he still cares for you.”
“It doesn’t matter. Even if he said it in anger, how could he not stop to consider how it would make me feel after what happened?” I cry helplessly.
Wyatt lifts my head and brushes my tears away, “He’s a guy. We say shit without thinking. If I know Devin, he’s probably kicking himself right now.”
“He can kick himself all the way to hell for all I care.”
Lexi picks up my phone and looks at it, “Levi sent you a message.”
“I’m supposed to meet him soon.” I take the tissue Wyatt hands me and dry my eyes. “I should tell him I can’t make it.”
“No, chickita, don’t do that,” Lexi stresses. “You should absolutely go out with Levi. Screw Devin, the self-righteous dick. Who the hell does he think he is telling you who you can and can’t be with.”
“I hate to admit it, peach, but Lex is right. You’ve not really dated anyone or had any interest in anyone since your fling with him. Maybe a little unattached fun might do you some good.” Wyatt suggests, tucking my hair behind my ear so he could see my face. “What’s the alternative? You close yourself off in your room. Haven’t you already wasted far too many tears on the likes of Devin King over the years?”
I nod wordlessly. The notion of letting go is easy on the tongue, but not so much when it comes to the heart. No matter how hard I try, there's something there for Devin, a hopelessly long string tying my heart to his. A connection that I can’t seem to sever.
“Peach, have you considered talking to Devin about why he left without a word?” Wyatt questions curiously, and I shrug my shoulders in response.
“I have considered it so many times, but truthfully I’m terrified of what he will say. I’m scared that all the presumptions I made over the years to convince myself of his reasons for leaving will be true. That I was nothing but a glorified fantasy, just a hole to screw so that he could brag that he had me.”
“Mira, you won’t ever know unless you ask, though, babe. Surely knowing is better than you building it up in your mind, convincing yourself that you were never enough. Maybe he had his reasons for leaving.”
I shake my head, “There’s not a reason in the world that would justify his actions, Lex. He could have called me but never did. He didn’t care and what he said to me today proved it. If he felt an ounce of remorse for what he said to me today, he would have found a way to apologise; he would have text me or called.” I hold up my phone. “Do you hear any phone calls or text messages? No, you know why? Because he’s probably balls deep fucking his girlfriend.” I grouse bitterly and toss my phone on the side.
Lexi exhales deeply and brushes her fingers through my hair. “Well, I say you forget all about Devin and focus on Levi. He’s way sexier.” Wyatt and I look at her, and she shrugs. “What, don’t look at me with those judgey eyes. We all had a crush on him growing up!”
I shake my head and lay my head on Lexi’s chest and sigh. How am I going to go to work tomorrow and face Devin? Maybe I’ll take a few days off and go somewhere to clear my head.
I sit upright and exhale deeply. “You’re right. I think I will focus on Levi. To hell with Devin King.”
Lexi smiles, “While we’re on the subject, which brother is, you know…” I look at her questioningly, and she holds up her two index fingers.
“What?! Wyatt is wondering it too!”
Wyatt gapes at her. “Oi, don’t drag me down with you, Slexi.” Lexi narrows her eyes at Wyatt for bringing up the nickname he gave her back in school for her promiscuousness.
“Why don’t you eat me, Wy.” She throws back, and he gags.
“Ugh, don’t make me sick.” He utters with a grimace and smirks at me when I chuckle. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his lap. “I only have eyes for one girl, and that’s this betch right here.”
“Why couldn’t you be straight.” I pout, pressing my forehead to his, and he smiles lovingly at me.
“Not something I can control, I’m afraid peach, but I still love you.” Wyatt gushes, kissing my forehead. I sink into him and sigh.
“I love you too.”
“Good lord, you two seriously need to screw and get married already. I’m choking on the sexual tension over here.” Lexi complains, falling back on my bed while Wyatt and I laugh.
“I’d marry you in a heartbeat.” He declares gleefully. “I wouldn’t expect much fidelity, though.”
I laugh, “Be sure to write those into your vows, won’t you.”