Oh, bloody hell.
“Levi, will you kindly shut the fuck up.” I snap, and the moron laughs like it's fucking funny. I’m going to knock him out in a minute.
“Oh, don’t be so moist. We‘re all adults here, kiddo.”
“On that note, I think I’m going to go for a walk or something. The weather is too nice to be cooped up indoors.”
“I’ll come with. I’m bored stiff.” Levi pipes up just as I was about to offer. Mira nods, and she picks up her purse.
“Do you want to come with me?” She offers with a warm smile, and I nod. Of course, I’m going, as if I’ll leave her alone with my dickhead, womanising big brother.
I change into a pair of denim shorts and a white Ralph Lauren polo shirt. When we walk over to the elevator, I see the wariness on Mira’s face, and I lean over and whisper in her ear. “Are you okay?” She turns her gaze up to me, and I can see as clear as day that she’s not okay. She is still nervous and scared. “You’ve got this.”
She offers me a small smile and nods. The doors slide open and she sucks in a deep breath, Levi and walk in, and I nod encouragingly at her. Mira hesitates but takes a step into the elevator and walks in. I push the button, and she turns to face the door; her shoulders are rising and falling quickly as the doors slide shut. When the elevator moves, I slide my fingers into hers, she looks down at my fingers intertwined with hers. Mira’s fingers close around mine, and I squeeze her hand. Levi is scrolling through his phone, not paying attention, and even if he did look, the skirt to Mira’s dress is keeping our entangled hands concealed.
My thumb strokes over her knuckles comfortingly when I feel her hand trembling in mine. I want nothing more than to take her into my arms, hold her tight and whisper to her she’s okay and that I’ve got her.
When we reach the ground floor, Mira looks up at me and smiles a little, silently thanking me, and I wink at her. The feeling of disappointment when her fingers slacken around mine and she pulls her hand away is like a ton of bricks falling into the pit of my stomach. My every instinct tells me to tighten my fingers around hers and not let go, but I reluctantly let my hand slip away from hers.
We walk for over an hour through the city and wound up at a park. Mira and Levi decided they wanted some cold beers and snacks, so we do that. We sit at one of those picnic benches and enjoy a couple of beers while we talk about our childhood.
“I said no such thing. That was all Levi.” Mira cracks up laughing when Levi gapes at her playfully.
“You said you would keep my secret, you dirty little traitor.” He chuckles, ruffling her hair while she cackles and bats his hand away, almost falling off the bench until he catches her. “You’re such a clutz still. How you’ve made it to this age without breaking your neck, I’m truly astonished.”
“It’s a gift.” She giggles girlishly, wiping away her tears of laughter. “Devin saved me from breaking my neck at least ten times this week alone, even though he was the cause of at least seven of them.”
I laugh and throw a grape at her. “I’m forever saving you, Tinks. Nothing has changed there. I’m still your gallant saviour.” I express airily, and Mira’s gaze locks with mine, her smile faltering ever so slightly before she recovers and shakes her head.
“One of the many bountiful duties of a good friend, isn’t it, Dev?” This time my smile wavers at her derisive proclamation. I fist my hand under the table and force down the annoyance that simmers under the surface. I don’t know why that bothered me as much as it did. We are friends, aren’t we? What was I expecting her to say?
“I need to tinkle. I’ll be back.” Mira stands up and grins. “How chuffed are you that you don’t have to sing to me while I pee anymore?” She teases with an adorable grin.
Not very. “I’m ecstatic. I’ll still come with you if you need me there to tinkle, Tinks. Give me a shout if you get lonely in there.” I throw back at her, and she throws her head back and laughs.
“However, will I manage without you belting out your rendition of bah bah black sheep.” She giggles.
“I’m not even going to ask.” Levi chuckles, watching Mira and my exchange with amusement.
“Trust me. You don’t want to know.” Mira calls out while she walks in the direction of the bathroom.
“Don’t let her drink anymore beers.” I chuckle while we watch her. Levi smiles and lowers his shades, and looks after her.
“She’s such a lightweight still.”
“She sure is.” I sigh inwardly.
“You excited to see Megan then? All jokes aside, I can go and stay at mum’s if you two need some privacy, bro.” Levi offers, and I shake my head.
“I am looking forward to seeing her, of course, and I appreciate the offer, but there’s no need,” I tell him and glance over in the direction Mira went.
Levi frowns a little, “Is everything all right with you and Megan?” He questions curiously, taking off his shades. “You’re not having problems, are you?”
I shake my head and turn my attention to him again. “Not at all. Megan and I are just fine, same as usual.” I say with a shrug. Levi studies me for a long moment. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask tersely.
Levi rubs his bearded chin pensively as though he’s not buying what I’m selling and shakes his head. “If you say so, little brother,” Levi utters and sits upright, his eyes narrowing while he looks at something ahead. “Who the fuck is that?”
I turn and follow his gaze. I see a guy talking to Mira. She shakes her head and tries to walk off, but the guy grabs hold of her arm and pulls her back to him. Levi and I jump up to our feet instantly and run over to her.