“Are you deaf as well as stupid? I just said I’m not interested.” I hear Mira hiss. “Get your hand off me.” She rebukes, trying to free her arm from his hold.
“Hey!” Levi shouts as we near her.
“You’ve got exactly three seconds to let go of her arm,” I warn stormily, staring down the fat fuck who was gripping Mira’s arm. He lets go of her, and Levi pulls her protectively behind him.
“Dev, Levi, please let’s just go.” Mira pleads, curling her fingers around Levi’s bicep. He was glaring darkly at the arsehole.
“Apologise.” Levi hisses, his hands fisting by his sides.
“For what? Asking the bitch out?” He snarls, and I swing my arm and punch him hard across the face. He hits the floor and groans.
“Dev, don’t! It’s not worth it.” Mira pleads frantically, pulling my arm when I go for him again.
“I’m going to have you arrested for assault, you fuck.” He grumbles, holding his face and looking down at the blood seeping from his mouth.
Levi leans over and pulls him up by the collar of his shirt, glaring menacingly at him, his jaw twitching with agitation. “Go for it. Your first mistake was thinking you ever stood a chance. Your second, however, was putting your grubby hands on her. Let this be a lesson. When a girl says no, it means no.” He growls and headbutts him in the face. Mira gasps and clamps a hand over her mouth. The arsehole howls in agony, holding his now broken nose and rolling around on the floor.
Levi turns and looks over Mira. He cups her face in his hands. “You all right? Did he hurt you?” Mira shakes her head slowly, but her face pales visibly, and I can see she's trembling. “Come here. It’s okay.” Mira sinks into Levi’s embrace, and he brushes his fingers through her hair, his lips pressed to her temple.
I know Levi cares for Mira almost as much as I do, and he’s protective of her too, but watching her in his arms felt like someone had a vice over my heart and were slowly tightening. I stare down at my feet not having the stomach to watch.
When I finally muster up the vigour to look up again, I find Mira looking at me. I hold her gaze for as long as she has mine.
Those are not the arms you belong in Mira Evans.