Page 135 of Cuffed By Love

I match his smile, sliding my hands under his T-shirt and raking my fingertips over his abs, revelling in the feel of every bump and ridge and the way his muscles spasm under my touch. “I have two more, just like it,” I affirm, dragging my index finger up the length of his erection over his light blue jeans. “Now, are you going to keep talking or are you going to take me home?” Devin makes a slow hissing sound and rocks against my finger, his cock demanding further attention.

“Keep touching me like that, and I’ll fuck you in my car.” He groans, pressing a kiss to my rosy lips. I squeeze my thighs together when my lady parts pulse with lavish need.

“Is that supposed to deter me?” I reply sultrily while I nibble on his bottom lip.

Devin grasps my chin, “Get in the car.” He demands gruffly.

With a wayward smile, I brush past him and walk over to the car, swaying my hips, knowing full well he’s watching me, with those rapacious eyes of his darkened with such desire.

Devin comes up behind me and pulls the door open for me. I take his offered hand, and he helps me into the passenger seat.

While we drive, I watch him, unable to keep my eyes off him. Devin laces his fingers with mine. “How was your flight?”

“It was fine. A bit long and tedious, but now I’m here, it’s worth it.” I say, squeezing his hand. Devin smiles and kisses my hand.

“Shall we sit someplace and talk for a bit?”

I chew on my bottom lip warily and nod, “Sure.”

Fifteen minutes later, we’re sitting in an outdoor café by a marina. A waiter comes over, and Devin orders our drinks in Malay, and I stare at him, surprised. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I’ve just never heard you speak Malay before now,” I say, and Devin chuckles, taking my hand. “Why have I not heard you speak Malay before now, Dev?”

“Could it be because I was in London and didn’t need to, Tinks?” He throws back at me in the same manner, and I narrow my eyes at him. “Did it get you a little wet hearing me speak in the native language?”

I smile and fight off the blush I can feel forming in my cheeks. “It doesn’t take much to get me wet where you’re concerned,” I admit and lean forward a little. “But you already know that.”

Devin swallows thickly, his adam’s apple jumping in his throat. “Don’t I just.”

“So, I assume you want to talk about the baby?” I ask, swiftly changing the subject. Devin’s face contorts from lustful to brooding in the blink of an eye. “I’m sorry for just blurting it out like that. I had this whole thing planned in my head, I was going to sit you down and break it to you gently without spooking you, but the words just fell out of my mouth. I didn’t mean to blindside you.”

Devin exhales slowly and looks over at the marina before he looks at me. “I know you didn’t mean too and you did blindside…big time. I didn’t sleep a wink last night, Mira. But, honestly, I don’t know if we’re ready for this. I don’t know the first thing about being a dad. A baby is such a big responsibility. We’ve only just started seeing each other; we’ve still got so much we need to figure out, and throwing a baby into the mix, it’s going to complicate things even more for us.” Devin explains with a hefty sigh and rubs his forehead.

My heart sinks, “You don’t want the baby.”

Devin watches me sorrowfully; I pull my hand out of his and bite the inside of my cheek. “Mira, it’s not just that, babe. Think about this logically for just a moment. We haven’t even figured out what we are yet. How are we supposed to place a baby in our lives right now?”

“Devin, I’m keeping this baby,” I tell him earnestly. “I wasn’t planning on having a baby until I was married, but things change. I’m not forcing you or burdening you into having this baby with me if you don’t want it. This is my choice, and I’m excusing you of any obligation you feel you have toward this child and me. You can choose to either do this with me or walk away and get on with your life. It’s your choice.”

Devin stares at me. “Do you honestly believe I’m the type of man to get a girl—especially you— pregnant and duck out of the responsibilities? You expect me to walk away, just get on with my life with a clear conscience and forget that I have a kid out there? You must think so little of me, Mira.” He sounds genuinely hurt, and the look in his eyes confirms it.

I sigh and drop my gaze from his, silently wishing we could go back to the flirty mood we were in moments ago. “It just sounds like you were looking for an out, so I was giving you one.”

“I wasn’t looking for an out just for myself. I’m thinking of us. You didn’t crawl on top of yourself and get pregnant, Mira. I was there too. I’m just as responsible as you are. I’m not going to abandon you and my baby. If you truly believe we can figure this out…” He declares and reaches over, taking my hand into his, “…then I’m all in with you.”


Devin nods, “Of course. Don’t get me wrong; I’m terrified, but not enough to walk away and desert you both.” He adds thoughtfully. His words bring tears to my eyes, and I blink them away quickly. I’ve been so worried about his reaction, and a very small part of me, like that measly five percent, has been gearing up to ready myself into doing this on my own. The anxiety I’ve been feeling drops away, and it feels like a hefty weight has lifted off my shoulders.

“Great, then you can be with me when we tell my parents the news,” I say and smile sheepishly.

Devin groans and leans back in his chair. “Oh fuck, I didn’t even think about our folks. Your dad’s going to kill me.”

I wince, “It’s likely.” Devin gives me a deadpan look, and I shrug helplessly. “Oh, sorry, was you waiting for me to sugarcoat it for you? Did you not witness his reaction when he caught me under your desk that time?”

Devin cracks his knuckles. “Okay, hear me out. How about you tell him. I wait in the car, then you run out, and we drive away…to like Mexico?” I couldn’t hold back my laughter. I almost choke on my coffee as I cackle hysterically.

“That’s real cute, King, but I’m not facing the big bad wolves without you. You knocked me up, so now you face the consequences.” Devin sinks back into his seat with an exaggerated sigh and sips his coffee.