Page 43 of Cuffed By Love

"Are you taking the fucking piss?" He grouses irritably, "Does this look like the face of someone who gives a hairy rat’s arse what anyone thinks or witnesses? My only concern right now is not crushing my nuts."

"You wouldn't." I scoff. "I'm the one that has to live here and face these people, you imbecile. I would prefer to not be the laughing stock of the entire neighbourhood, thank you very much. Now hurry up; it's starting to rain." I protest, attempting to cover my head with my purse while Devin emanates and finally slides into the passenger side. "Next time, you're going in first." He grumbles with a wince while he readjusts his crotch as he settles into the passenger seat.

I stop as I climb into the car and look at him, "Like hell—"

"Nah, ah!" Devin holds up a hand to silence me before I even begin to object. "I swear, Tinks, I will pick you up and toss your tiny arse into this car." I gape at him, stunned, and he nods determinedly in return.

"Fine, I will," I snap, pulling the door shut rather hard, and Devin glowers at me, clearly displeased. "No need to be such a big baby about it."

"A baby?" He intones, pulling his seatbelt on. "Tinks, I can't spread my legs very wide in these slacks without risking them tearing. Also, having my already full and aching balls crushed by the centre console isn't exactly the most exhilarating of experiences for a man."

I do my best to ignore the tug in my belly at the mention of his 'full' and 'achy' testicles and snort in a very unladylike manner as I flick the switch to start the engine. I'm still pleasantly thrilled by the way the engine roars to life at the flip of a switch. "You men and your precious cojonas." I drawl sardonically with a roll of my eyes. From the corner of my eye, I see Devin leaning closer to me.

"My precious cojonas and I will have you singing a different tune in five seconds flat, darling." He murmurs close to my ear.

I repress the urge to quiver against the warmth of his breathing on my ear. "Wow. Five whole seconds?" I respond, wetting my lips. "Nice to know that not much has changed after all," I smirk when he draws back a little and watches me with his eyes narrowed.

"Ouch." Devin seethes playfully. "How about I take you on a short walk down memory lane?" He states, and the corner of his lip lifts into a wicked smirk. I gulp. I only went and walked right into that one, didn't I? "Tell me, which five seconds are you referring to specifically?" He queries gruffly. "Do you mean when I used my tongue and had you coming after just three teasing licks on your clit, Mira?" My eyes close when he practically groans my name.

The heat of his breath on my skin spreads through me like wildfire and pools between my legs. Shit. "You and I both know there is no truth to your little remark because we spent half the night completely lost in one another. Do you have any idea how worried I was about hurting you and how many times I almost talked myself out of even going through with it? When I finally slid inside you, you were clamped around me like a vice, so tight and wet, I spent a good five minutes trying desperately not to lose my mind and come apart there and then because you felt so mind-blowingly good." Devin proclaims, twirling a loose curl of my hair around his slender finger. His voice deep and silken when he adds, "I must admit though Tinks, with you, hours always felt like seconds."

My throat goes bone dry, and I get a severe case of cottonmouth. Jeezus! I hate that he can still unravel me so easily. Every rational thought goes haywire, and I can no longer think coherently. How on earth am I supposed to respond to that? Heat rises up my neck and fills my cheeks. The car feels like a bloody inferno all of a sudden.

Oh boy.

My eyes glide over to look at him sidelong; he's so close that if I turn my head the scantest little bit, his lips will touch mine. "You're blushing." He whispers while his eyes skim over my face.

"You're in my space."

Devin smiles lazily and licks his lips. Self-righteous scoundrel, I know where his mind just went. "You didn't answer my question."

I sigh and shift so I could face him. "You didn't ask one."

"Oh, but I did." He drawls, his tongue darting out and swiping along his bottom lip.

I stare at his mouth for a minute before I lift my eyes to his again. "That was more of a narrative than an actual question, smart arse."

Devin opens his mouth to respond when the ringing of his phone interrupts him. Someone up in heaven must really love me. I exhale in relief while observing him closely when he picks up his phone, stares at it and mutters a string of curses under his breath. "Logan."

Since secondary school, Logan was Devin's best friend and my best friend Lexi's on again off again boyfriend. We were all part of the same group. Lexi and Logan have a messy relationship, but somehow they always find their way back to each other again. "No, bro, impeccable timing as per usual." Devin sighs with a roll of his eyes. I put the car in reverse and back out of the driveway. Devin looks over at me briefly. "Yes, it's true we are handcuffed together." He confirms and pauses briefly before he curses. "No, we didn't."

I sigh. "Tell Lexi I'm going to kill her, Logan."

Devin chuckles and rubs his jaw. "Fuck off, you prick. No, we're going to the office. I'll give you a buzz later or something. All right, yeah, it's good to be back, broski."

I look over at Devin when he hangs up. "What did he say?"

Devin shakes his head with a smile, "Nothing we've both never heard before. It's just Logan being Logan, you know what he's like."

I shake my head glumly, "We have got to find a way to get these cuffs off. I don't know about you, but I'm about ready to gnaw my hand off to be free because I cannot take much more of this nonsense."

"Bored of me already, Tinks?" Devin rags while reaching out to poke my sides.

I swat his hand away with a huff, "Bored? Me? Never." I drawl sarcastically, and he laughs. "I just adore watching you take a dump and keeping me up all night with your Godzilla snore."

"I don't snore!"

"Oh, shut up."