* * *
The restof the journey Devin and I spent bickering, yet again. We finally got to the office and started arguing about who is climbing out first. "If I'm climbing in first, you're getting out last! That's the deal."
"Like fuck it is. You made me climb in first twice, Tinks, therefore you're climbing over now."
"I climbed over yesterday and you almost cracked my head open, you big schlub!" I argue, and he scowls at me, trying to get out of the passenger side, but I resist by yanking my arm back.
"No! I'm putting my foot down this time. I'm getting out first." I push the driver side door open, and Devin hauls me back again. I hiss when the metal bites into my skin.
"What? You mean this little foot?" He leans over and pulls my Louboutin stiletto off. I gape at him.
"What are you…"
"Go on then, out you go with your tiny barefoot. Let's see how far you get."
I go to grab my shoe from him, but the rat bastard that he is, he pulls it out of my reach. He knows damn well I'm a germaphobe, and I would rather drop dead than step on a dirty floor. "Are you fucking kidding me? We're not eight years old anymore Devin, this isn't funny. Give me my damn shoe!"
"Nope. I hate to resort to such childish antics, but…" He shrugs stubbornly and shakes my black stiletto in the air. "If you want to go on like betty big bollocks and put your foot down, be my guest; however you can do it barefoot and proud, Tinks."
"Devin…" I hiss, glaring at him, and he smirks back at me wickedly.
"Oh, that's right, you’re afraid of germs, aren't you? Well, that's too bad." He utters, looking at the watch on his wrist. "You're going to be late for your meeting, too, by the looks of it."
"All right, fine, you bloody oaf!" I gripe hotly and hold my hand out for my shoe, and Devin grins and climbs out of the car, my shoe still in his hand. "The level of loathing I harbour for you is boundless, Devin King." I declare as I shift and climb over the middle panel of the car, which was a lot easier this time around in trousers. Devin only laughs, which angers me further.
"What else is new." I roll my eyes and half slide into the passenger seat. "Tinks, watch your foot. You're going to scratch the dash with your heel. Hey, watch it, get your foot off the bloody dash."
I look up at him and stomp on his dashboard with my shoe, and he glares at me. "Bite me, buttmunch!"
Devin leans over me, sticking his head into the car to look at the damage to his dashboard, brows fused together displaying his state of annoyance while I smirk satedly in return. "Careful what you wish for, Tinks. I tend to bite hard."
"Oh, here we go, all icing and no cake," I mutter under my breath, and Devin cages me in against the passenger seat by placing his arms on either side of my head, his face so close to mine that our noses almost touch.
"Come again?" He croons, narrowing his eyes at me challengingly. "It seems to me like you've gone and forgotten how tenacious I can be, Tinks. When I say I'll do something, you know better than anyone that I will see it through." He claims flippantly, eyes boring ever so penetratingly into mine. I don't falter and keep his gaze inch for inch and smirk back at him.
"Will you? That's mighty big talk for a man who is supposedly in a committed relationship, don't you think? It seems to me that you've gone and forgotten that you have a girlfriend back in Singapore. What would she think of you going around making promises to bite another girl?" I reply, licking my lips coquettishly. I reach up and drag my index finger along his jaw leisurely, "Your ego is writing cheques your body can't afford to cash, Devin." I add, lowering my tone to one more soft and teasing.
His chiselled jaw ticks under my finger whilst he continues to stare at me intently. I know Devin, and he's never been the type to cheat. Even though he had a reputation of being a playboy back in the day, he's always been respectful and loyal to the girls he was 'seeing'. He's a big flirt, always has been, but when it comes to infidelity, I know for sure that's a line he won't ever cross. He and Logan almost came to blows back in school when Devin found out Logan was cheating on a girl he was supposedly seeing. I always adored that trait of his. Devin detests liars and cheats, just as much as I do. I truly hoped that was still the case, and it hadn't changed over the years, though if the look of guilt simmering deep in his eyes is anything to go by, it indeed hasn't.
A moment of words unspoken passes through us. Devin smiles knowingly and withdraws a little, but not completely, his gaze still locked with mine. "Exceptional circumstances call for exceptional measures, Tinks. Maybe you're the only exception." He states, leaning close, brushing his index finger down the length of my nose like he used to. The fifteen-year-old girl inside of me melts at the gesture. He's fucking with me. I know he is, but that doesn't stop my heart from trembling rowdily in my chest like a swarm of butterflies having some kind of manic episode.
I somehow managed to locate the sensible part of my brain, place my hand on his chest, and push him back. "That 'exceptional circumstance' you speak of is that enormous ego of yours, Devin. You never were one to admit defeat—especially to me. I didn't fall for your bullshit lines then and sure as shit won't now." I state and pull my shoe out of his hold when he chuckles amusedly. "Now, if you're about done fucking around, can we go back to at least acting like the mature adults we're supposed to be. We are in a workplace, after all."
Devin pulls away and holds his hand out to help me down from the car. I stare at his hand warily for a second and hesitate before I take it and slide out of the vehicle. I feel like I've aged ten years this last week, even more so the past two days. So much has happened, and I think my brain is still trying to play catch up.
I follow Devin into the entrance of the building, through the car park. We swipe our ID cards, and we both attempt to walk through at the same time and get stuck between the door. I wince when the metal frame hits my shoulder. I glare at him. "Oh please, ladies first." I intone sarcastically while gesturing for him to go in front of me.
"Thanks, Tinks." I groan when he squeezes my cheek affectionally. I swat his hand away and follow him into the building. Devin makes a beeline to the elevator, and out of habit, I go toward the stairs. I gasp when we come crashing back into one another. I wobble in my heels and almost topple over, but Devin catches me before I fall. "Fucking hell, do you need a lesson on how to walk or what?" He questions while I straighten and tug my shirt down before I place my hands at my hips and scowl at him.
"I can walk perfectly fine, thank you very much. Maybe if you stopped yanking on my arm and moved in the same direction as me, I wouldn't be falling over as much." I scold him, tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.
"I think secretly you're quite fond of falling into my arms, Tinks." He replies, wagging his brows at me. "Forever your gallant hero, just like old times."
I step closer to him, and he watches me, amusement swirling around in his deep brown eyes. "Next time, do me a favour and let me fall on my arse. I'm no damsel and don't require saving from anyone. Understand?"
Devin's eyes rake over my face, and he observes me quietly before he nods. "Duly noted. However, every now and then, we all need someone to save us from something, Tinks."
I lift my gaze heavenward and exhale through my nose slowly. This boy will be the fucking death of me, I swear to everything sweet and holy. "No, we don't. I've learned to carry myself on my own back." I utter before turning my back to him and attempting to walk toward the stairs, but Devin stops me by grabbing my wrist and gently drawing me back.