Mira blinks up at me, her brows drawing together. Her eyes are glowing with irritation. "Not from where I'm standing." She mutters coldly and tries to take a large step back, but I tug on the arm that's bound to hers and yank her back to me. She gasps.
"Why don't you tell me what is it you see from where you're standing then, Tinks?"
Our eyes lock, and we stare at one another mutely for a good couple of seconds. Mira breaks eye contact first and licks her lips slowly with a heavy sigh. "Devin..."
"What are you afraid of, Mira? Tell me why you're so hell-bent on keeping me at arm's length?"
"I'm not." She denies lowering her gaze again. I feel my own agitation burning at the pit of my stomach. I lift her gaze to mine again.
"You are," I state firmly. "You want to know how I know that? Because I fucking know you, and I know that you can't keep eye contact when you lie." Mira watches me, her golden orbs penetrating. "You can't lie to me Tinks, you never could."
It's odd, but I can sense the impenetrable armour she’s got surrounding her. What is she so afraid of? Even as I stare down into her face, I notice the animosity burning in the depths of those amber eyes that held me captive the moment I first locked my gaze with them.
I'll break down those barriers of hers, and maybe then I'll understand why the fuck she hates me so damn much.