Page 32 of Cuffed By Love

"Ridiculous?" Wyatt scoffs. "Oh, how dreadful for you, being forced into spending time with an absolute hunk of a man." Wyatt gushes, giving me a flirtatious wink which I return with a gleaming grin.

Mira lifts her head and mock glares at Wyatt. "I don't need another hunk because I already live with the hunkiest of all men." Wyatt laughs and puffs out his chest.

"This is why I fucking love this betch. She knows just how to gas me up."

Ayla rolls her eyes, "Such a shame you're not into women because the two of you would make a hell of a couple."

"A true shame indeed." Mira sighs lustfully and laces her fingers with Wyatt, who lifts her hand and kisses her knuckles.

"If ever there was a woman for me, it would be this saucy little minx right here," He affirms lovingly, and Mira smiles at him.

"Hey, our deal still stands. If I'm single as fuck when I'm thirty-five, I'm having your baby. You promised me, betch." I look over at Mira while Wyatt laughs and nods, holding his pinky out to her, which she takes, and they smile adorably at one another.

Hold the fuck up. Mira and Wyatt having a baby together?

That bothered me. It really fucking bothered me. I couldn't overlook the discontent gnawing away at me deep down because we once shared that promise. When we were fourteen, lying in the grass, side by side in her back garden staring up at the clouds, we made a promise to one another that we would get married if we still hadn't found 'the one' by the time we were thirty. Back then, thirty felt like a million years away, but here we are, two years shy of the big Three-O and in completely different places in our lives. Even though I left, I always felt a big part of me was left behind. That big part was Tinks, and sitting here witnessing her share the bond we once with someone else had made me more than a little envious.

"We would make the most beautiful baby. With my looks and your brains, that kid will be a beautiful legend."

"Hey!" Mira gasps, flicking the piece of chicken at him. "Are you saying I'm not as attractive as you, you hairy little fairy?"

Wyatt's thins his dark eyes mischievously. "Little?!" He titters. "Baby girl, I know everyone at this table is well aware that there ain't nothing little about what I'm packing." Mira giggles and bats the piece of chicken away that Wyatt throws at her when it comes flying at her head.

"All right, children, I'm heading off to bed before Wyatt whips his willy out again." Ayla states after she finishes off her glass of wine.

Wyatt leans over and smacks Ayla's bum when she stands. "She's acting like she doesn't secretly love it when I do."

Ayla slaps him over the head, "Oh darn it, you caught me! Night after night, I just lay in my bed obsessing about your winkie and all the wicked things I would do to you." Ayla purrs, her voice laced with mockery. "Like tie you up and shove my vajayjay in your face."

Wyatt gawks up at her, utterly horrified. "Ugh, don't make me gag, you hag."

Ayla grins, pleased and squeezes Wyatt's cheek. "Always a pleasure, baby." She declares and walks out of the kitchen laughing.

Wyatt shudders, "Oh, that evil little shrew, that thought is going to haunt me for the rest of the night now." He complains, standing up and placing his plate in the sink. "I need to go and watch some good old fashioned man-on-man porn to get rid of that sickening imagery your sister has burned into my brain." Mira and I laugh. Wyatt smirks and drops a kiss on Mira's temple, and whispers something to her. Whatever it was made Mira flush and shove him back.

"Get lost, idiot." Mira teases him, and he winks at me as he walks out of the kitchen, leaving Mira and me alone.

"What was that about?" I chuckle. Mira shakes her head and stands up, busying herself with gathering the plates on the table.

"Nothing." She replies hastily. I lean over and peer up at her inquisitively. Mira turns her gaze down to me and rolls her eyes. "Devin, come on, stop looking at me like that and help me clean up." She huffs, tugging on my hand handcuffed to hers in an attempt to get me up.

I push the chair back and stand, towering over her. I reach up, taking hold of her chin between my thumb and index finger and look down into her upturned face. Mira watches me warily when I inch closer to her. "If I know Wy, he made some lewd remark about us, didn't he?"

Mira looks startled, and she parts her lips to speak, a lovely pink touches her cheeks again. "What does it matter, Devin?"

I shrug, "Feed my curiosity."

Mira sighs, "Let it go." I smirk and keep my eyes on hers.

"You know me better than that,"

Mira stares back just as intently, the corners of her eyes thinning. "Do I?"

"You know damn well that you do," I inform her matter-of-factly, and Mira shakes her head slowly.

"No, I used to." She speaks softly, the words roll off her tongue like liquid silk, and she tugs her face free from my hold, averting her gaze to stare at something over my shoulder. "You're not the same boy I knew ten years ago, and I'm certainly not the same girl I was back then."

I frown, "How do you know I'm not the same? You've not even bothered to find out. Maybe if you stopped swerving me at every chance and looked a little deeper, you would see that I am still very much the same."