Chapter Twenty-Five


Aloud pop fills the air, followed by a bang as the cork hits the ceiling. I can’t stop the laugh that escapes me at Lauren’s stunned expression. “Normally, I’m really good at that,” she says, trailing off into a laugh.

I’ll admit I was a little surprised to get Lauren’s message this afternoon asking if I would come over for dinner. It’s been nearly two weeks since we went shopping and even though I’d had a good time, I’m still trying to get used to the idea of having afriend. I’m glad she reached out, though. As much as I liked our day together, I know Sebastian set it up so I could get out of the house as well as gain a whole new wardrobe. There was nothing attached to tonight, though, apart from her wanting to hang out.

Of course, Sebastian said I could come, even though he reminded meagainthat I didn’t need to ask him to do things. I wasn’t exactly asking him permission per se, but it felt natural to check my plans against his. Also, there’s the fact that I can’t drive and needed him to drop me off in the city, seeing as it was a Saturday, and Mason had the day off.

The food we’d ordered from La Dolce Rosa sits between us on the small round table in Lauren’s apartment. As Lauren pours us each a glass of wine, I pull the containers out of the paper bag, sliding Lauren’s over to her before transferring my meal to the bowl Lauren had given me. The creamy scent of chicken alfredo swirls around me, and I’m taken back to the night Sebastian fed me this exact meal.

Standing between my legs, he’d made me eat off his fork. Then when he knew I was still hungry, he left me the whole meal. My heart still warms at the thought.

With everything we had going on and Sebastian seemingly swamped with work, we hadn’t been back to the restaurant yet, but maybe I should suggest it.

“God, this really is the best pasta, isn’t it?” Lauren groans, shovelling a forkful of Spaghetti Bolognese into her mouth.

“Mm-hmm.” I laugh, too busy eating to say much else.

By the time we finish our meals, Lauren is breaking out another bottle of wine.Had we really finished a whole bottle already?

“So…” she says, refilling our glasses. “Are you ever going to give me some details?”

“What kind of details?” I ask, the few glasses of wine in my belly leaving me feeling relaxed. I haven’t seen her since last Friday when Sebastian and I left for our weekend away.

Even a week later, I couldn’t get our weekend away out of my head. Even though we spent most of our time at the house Sebastian had rented, he organised for us to go on a helicopter trip over the Great Barrier Reef on our final day. It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. As much as I’d wished we could stay there, away from everything and everyone, I’d missed Shadow and Mason. Even though Sebastian had gone straight back to his regular work schedule as soon as we were home, it still felt like we were closer than we’d ever been.

“The good kind.” She waggles her brows.

“Oh,” I say, still not sure what she means, but then my brain catches up, and my cheeks heat. “Ohhh.”

“Yes, oh,” Lauren says, taking a sip of her wine. “The big ‘O.’” She laughs.

“Oh my God,” I say, shaking my head before taking a large gulp of my wine.

“Come on. You have to give mesomething.I’m not getting anything, so I have to live vicariously through somebody. Also, Sebastian was in averygood mood after your little getaway, so it must have been pretty good.”

Maybe it’s the wine or the comforting feeling of friendship, but I ask, “What do you want to know?”

“Tell me you wore the lingerie?” she asks. Lauren had insisted I pack it, though I wasn’t sure I was going to wear it or not until that day.


“And?” She stares at me, waiting for me to elaborate.

“I’d say he liked it,” I say, my cheeks heating at the memory of that night.

“Of course, he did.” She chuckles

“Haveyou?” I raise a brow at her.

“As much as I said we wear lingerie for ourselves, I’m not wearing my crotchless panties until I can be sure there’s a devilishly handsome man around to take advantage of them.” She sighs, tipping her head to the ceiling with a look of longing. It only lasts a second before she glances at me with a laugh, and I can’t help the giggle that escapes me, followed by a hiccup, and we both laugh even more.

“Okay, for real, though, is the sex good, or do I need to give him a talking to?”

My mouth drops open at the image of Lauren trying to give Sebastian a lecture on sex, especially with how he reacted when I tried to ask about her crotchless panties. Although I don’t think I have anything to worry about—the grin on her face makes it clear she’s only messing around. I hope.

“You don’t need to do that,” I say, telling myself the burning in my cheeks is because of the wine. Then, to emphasise that thought, I take another sip. “It’s… good. Beyond good. It’s amazing.”Great, now I’m the one sighing.