“Oh wow, okay.” She chuckles.

“I know what you mean now,” I say, taking another sip of wine as Lauren gives me a quizzical look. “The… dick print,” I say. It takes a second for my words to register, but when they do, she breaks into a laugh, her long, brownish-blonde hair swishing as she tips her head back.

“Oh God, Grace. I’d forgotten about that. So is it accurate?”

I raise my brows at her keeping my lips sealed, but when she groans, I can’t help the grin that spreads over my face.

“Grace, you can’t drop that in my lap and then not follow through,” she whines.

“Okay, okay.” I shake my head. “It’s accurate,” I say, remembering the way he walked—or stalked rather— towards the bed this morning from the bathroom—his length sitting long and thick against his thigh. Then the feel of him as he pushed inside me, stretching me wide to accommodate him and filling every inch of me. “Maybe not accurate enough,” I say as a shiver runs through me, and this time, Lauren’s the one to raise her brows.

I can’t say I ever imagined sitting around with a girlfriend discussing mysex life,but here we are. And I don’t hate it.

By the time we’ve finished the second bottle of wine, I’m well and truly on my way to being drunk. Or, from the way the room seems to shift beyond the measures of reality, maybe I’m already there.

Music pumps through Lauren’s apartment as she dances around the living room, singing the lyrics to a song I don’t know the name of. My head bobs to the tune as I lie on the couch, the empty wine bottle clutched in my hand as I sing nonsense lyrics into it because I don’t know the words either.

When the song finishes, I drop the wine bottle onto the ground. “I’m going to pee,” I yell out as the next starts, sitting up.Woah. The room spins with the sudden move.

“Okay!” Lauren chimes.

It’s a few moments before I can stand up, and I make my way to the bathroom. After using the toilet, I wash my hands at the sink before pulling my phone out of my pocket.No texts.I pout. Opening my texts, I pull up his contact just to make sure I haven’t missed anything. Even through my blurry vision, I can see that there’s nothing new. Sebastian said he’d pick me up when I was ready, so I’m sure he’s just letting me have fun, but the sudden need to talk to him, to see him, hits me hard in the chest.

My fingers move across the screen, except when I try to read back what I’ve written, I can’t decipher a single word, and a groan of frustration leaves me. The numbers blur, making it impossible to read the time, and through the haze of alcohol, I can’t tell how long I’ve been here. After a moment, I sit back on the closed lid of the toilet, my finger hovering over the call button. Maybe I should just call him. Before I can decide against it, I hit the button, and the ringing of an outgoing call echoes in my ears.