Page 18 of You're the One

“You need to share my shorts size too?” Nash growled, stealing his brother’s coffee. He didn’t like talking about himself or anyone else doing it.

“I’ve seen his skills.” Fin whistled. “But didn’t know about the rest. Maggie kept that quiet.”

“Unlike you.” Nash glared at his brother.

“Hey, I didn’t know it was a secret,” Ford said, trying to take the coffee back. Nash deliberately licked the to-go lid so he wouldn’t.

“We do that,” Jack said.

“So here’s the thing,” Joe said. “You’re a local now, so shouldn’t you play for us?”

“He’s ours, so back off,” Ford replied.

“Luna’s nice.” Jack changed the subject. “Gave Rory some stuff for her face. Not sure she’ll use it, but the thought was there. Luke said she’s got smarts too, before he went to work.”

“Woman’s a leech on society,” Nash muttered.

All eyes focused on him.

“And you know that how?” Fin asked him.

“I know the type.”

“How do you know about her when from what I gather you don’t use any social media?” Fin said.

“It’s part of his charm. He hates everyone until he gets to know them, and then he tolerates them,” Maggie said, joining them. “Ted just said we’re all going to continue the celebrations at The Lodge. Aunt Jess is taking Mal home with her for a sleepover, so let’s go.”

“I’m heading home,” Nash said.

“No, you’re not.” Maggie put her hands on her hips and looked at him. “The hermit stuff is not a good look on someone your age; now move it. Ford, make him come. He never leaves his land unless it’s to go to work.”

“Aww, come on, Maggs. I’m tired.” Nash tried for the sympathy vote.

“I’m older than you, and I can stay up past ten,” Ford said, throwing him under the bus.

“Well shit,” Nash muttered.

“Wait.” Jack raised a hand. “You don’t have any social media accounts?”

Nash shook his head.

“You own an electronic device of any sort?”

Nash pulled out his cell phone and waved it in Jack’s face.

“Holy shit, man, that should be a national heirloom.” Fin moved in to take a look. “I’m amazed that’s still working.”

Nash jammed it back into his pocket and walked out to the sounds of laughter.