Page 19 of You're the One

Chapter 6

They climbed in their vehicles, and he ended up with Ford—which was expected as he’d brought him—with Jack Trainer and his fiancée, Rory, in the back seat.

“I don’t remember offering you two a ride.”

“But you wanted to,” Rory said. “And I’m not going to get at you because of your cell phone.”

Rory was tiny, with crazy hair and an attitude. This he knew from the few times he’d met her. She was also a vet, so that alone had him liking her. Those people did an amazing job when they came to the ranch.

“You need to work on that attitude though, Nash,” she added, much to Ford’s delight.

“No, I don’t. This is me; I’m not changing.”

“We were considered the town assholes for years,” Jack said. “People pretty much stayed clear of the bad boy Trainers, but we had a reason. What gave you your asshole card, Nash?”

Looking in the mirror, he saw that Jack was smiling and knew it wasn’t said to piss him off. Strangely, it did after what Luna, of the fine ass, McKinley had said before she left Tea Total.

“He’s always had that look,” Ford said before he could speak. “The ‘step one foot too close and I’m decking you’ face. But he’s improved it over the years.”

“I don’t have that face,” Nash protested. “And stop talking for me.”

“Please. We send you in to fire people at the ranch and deal with anyone messing us around. It’s a given you’re the hardass Winter. I mean, Maggs is tough, but with her size she loses impact.”

“I’m telling her that,” Rory said. “And as a person of smaller than average height, believe me, you don’t want to mess with us.”

“Amen,” Jack said.

Nash shot a look over his shoulder and caught them kissing. He’d tried twice, being close to a woman, and it hadn’t worked. Okay, he’d been young the first time, but not the second. He’d thought he’d found the ever-after kind of love. Turned out he’d been wrong, as there was no such thing for him.

Nash had always believed when he found a woman, he’d love her passionately with everything inside him. He had, and the result had been disastrous. He absolutely was not opening his heart again, because no woman was worth it.

“Mom said there’s a soft side to Nash, you just need the right woman to bring it out,” Ford said.

“You about done?” He glared at his brother.

“Nowhere near done.”

“So, we need to find him the right woman then,” Rory said.

“No, we don’t,” Nash said.

“This town loves a project, Nash. I think they just found one.” Jack looked smug.

“Trainer, you have enough people to worry about. Leave me alone.”

“No fun in that, bud. But we’ve annoyed you enough for now. Want to go for a trek Saturday? It’s Joe’s birthday, and we’re riding to the waterfall to eat, drink, and sing happy birthday.”

“Not really—”

“Sure, sounds good. We’ll be there,” Ford said over the top of Nash.

“So, what? You finally decide to visit me, and now you’re part of the town?” Nash asked.

“Just helping you fit in, bro. Have a feeling you’ll turn into a recluse if I don’t.”

“Like Maggs would ever allow that to happen,” Nash muttered as they drove through the gates of the Lodge.

Ted had built this place to blend in with what surrounded it. If he was someone who said things like “it’s at one with nature,” that would be the perfect sentence for this place. Lights were strategically placed for maximum effect, inside and out. It was impressive. Stone and wood, with endless windows. Tourists flocked here year-round. He’d been a few times, and once to socialize when he was keeping an eye on his sister.