Page 122 of You're the One

Luna giggled as he mouthed “Sorry” to her.

“Good evening, Mr. Nicks.” Ted lowered the phone to its cradle.

“I’m going to marry him at the end of the year,” Mandy said, smiling at her man.

“You should,” Luna said. “Clearly he’s a keeper.”

They headed outside, and Luna got in her car, and she drove to Nash’s place with his headlights shining in her rear window.

When they pulled up outside the cabin, the pony was curled up on the small front porch with the duck.

“You should name that duck. It’s just plain wrong of you not to,” Luna said.

“I was thinking Barry.” He took out her bag and then walked to his door. Opening it, he motioned Luna inside.

“I need to feed them. You go on up.”

She was too tired to argue or offer to help him. Instead, she took her stuff up the stairs. Then, taking out the oversized T-shirt she slept in, she headed for the bathroom. The water felt blissful over sore muscles. She washed away the day’s exercise and then just stood in there enjoying the steam and feel of the water falling on her head.

“You okay in there?”

“I don’t think I can move. Every muscle in my body is now seizing up.”

The door opened, and there he stood, naked. The man was a damned Adonis. He stepped into the water.

“Thought I’d better get in before you take all my hot water.”

“Sorry, I can get out.”

“Sure, and you could, but this is better.” He stepped in and kissed her.

“I’m tired, Nash.”

“I know.” He gave her another soft kiss, then washed himself.

Luna leaned against the wall and watched his economical movements through slitted eyes. He then shut off the water and stepped out.

“Let’s go.” He held out a towel, and she stepped into it.

He wrapped it around her.

“Thanks, I got it now.”

“You really don’t like people looking after you, do you?”

She didn’t know what to say to that because it was the truth. Instead, she cleaned her teeth and her face, then pulled on her T-shirt. Removing the towel, she left the bathroom. The bed looked heavenly.

Pulling back the covers, she climbed in. He did the same. She felt his arm reach for her, and her head was pillowed on his shoulder. She wanted to move, but really didn’t. And that went a long way toward saying how muddled her thoughts really were.

“Let it go, Luna. Sleep now.”

She felt his lips in her hair, and then her eyes fluttered closed and she felt the heavy weight of sleep pull her under.