Page 123 of You're the One

Chapter 28

Luna found him sitting out on his porch drinking coffee, talking to Monica and her duck the next morning. She walked out in that old faded gray T-shirt, long legs bare, hair a riot around her head. Her eyes were still sleepy.

Nash left her sleeping this morning because he knew she’d been exhausted. He hadn’t wanted to, again, but he was a man with restraint, damn it; he could walk away from a beautiful woman in his bed.

He wanted to ask who that T-shirt belonged to.


“Hey.” Her voice sounded rusty.

“You not a morning person?”

“Normally. But today my body feels like it’s 110 years old.”

“Yeah, it was pretty physical yesterday.”

She yawned.

Lowering his mug, he grabbed her hand and pulled her down into his lap.

“You’re always pulling me somewhere.”

He settled her in his arms and thought that he could get used to this. Used to having her here at his place. The place he wanted to grow old and raise a family at.

“Hey, Monica.” She lifted a hand as the pony came closer.

The horse nuzzled Luna’s hair, and she giggled. It was a sweet sound.

“Nash, why aren’t you at work?”

“Ford told me to stay home today. Said I needed to watch over you.”

He felt her stiffen and then try to move. He wrapped both arms around her and held her against him.

“I don’t take any time away from the ranch. Mainly because I’ve never wanted to. I had nothing that made me want to. You make me want to. So maybe you can think about that and stop reacting.”

“I don’t want you doing that for me.”

“I just explained why I was doing it. Not because I have to, but because I want to.”

His cell phone, which was under his chair from when he’d talked to Ford, rang.

“I hate those things,” he muttered, fumbling around for it. “Nash,” he said, answering it.

He listened to what Ford had to say, and then cut the call.

“Apparently you and me are all over social media.”

She scrambled off his legs and ran for the stairs. He heard her feet going up. Seconds later she was coming back down.

“Slow down, you’ll fall!”

She ran out the door with her cell phone in her hand.

“You had to know he’d use those pictures, Luna,” Nash said, picking up his coffee.

“I don’t want you involved in this.” Her fingers were flying over the screen.