Page 120 of You're the One

“It’s here or my place. I’m sure Monica and her duck can go without food and water until tomorrow morning.”

“Why? This is foolish. I don’t need you watching over me because of a photo. I spoke to Dylan, and Chief Blake knows. We don’t need to do this, Nash.”

“No need to yell, I’m standing right here.”

The urge to slap him was almost uncontrollable. She gripped the sides of his truck bed hard, letting the metal bite into her palm.

“You going to do a knee bend?”


“You do those knee bends when you’re worked up.” His smile was small and really sweet.Bastard.

“Go home,” she said slowly. “I don’t need you to watch over me.” She walked away from him.

Taking the steps up and into the reception area, she refused to look over her shoulder. He couldn’t make her go with him if she reached her room before him and locked the door. Quickening her pace, she was almost running by the time she reached the elevator. Punching the button so hard her finger hurt, she gave in and looked over her shoulder.


Relief flooded through her. She needed to be alone. Needed time to think about what was going on with her life.

Why did elevators take so long to reach you when you were in a hurry?

She thought about taking the stairs but was too tired. Every muscle in her body hurt, and her head was aching from all the crap circling around in there.

“Finally,” she muttered as the doors opened before her.

Stepping in, she rested against the wall as it took her up to her room. Stepping out when the doors opened again, she made her way along the hall, pleased that she didn’t meet anyone on the way. She stopped when she reached her door.

Nash stood there leaning on it.

“Stairs,” he said.

“Go away.”

“Pack a bag.”

“No.” She jammed her key in the door and turned the handle, knowing he’d follow her inside.

“Okay.” He toed off his shoes and fell onto the bed. “Right or left?”

“Go home, Nash.” She could be calm and rational. That was her mantra in life. She dealt with difficult people daily. “Look. I’m grateful, really. I get that you are all worried, and that’s nice, really. But I am a big girl and have been looking after myself for years. I do not need you to be here. Really.”

“That’s three reallys.”

He lay there on her bed, making it look small. His big body comfortable, legs crossed at the ankles, looking as moveable as a log of oak.

“I’m all good. Please go, Nash. I need some space.”

He moved so fast she didn’t have time to brace herself. Suddenly he was there, in her space.

“I need to know you’re safe, Luna. So, stay or go. The decision is yours, but I’m going to be in whatever bed you are tonight, so the sooner you come to that realization the better.”

More anger, Luna thought. She stood there glaring at him battling the rage and frustration. Battling the need to jump him and beg him to take her to that bed and make her forget what was going on around her.

The hand he lifted to cup her cheek had her swallowing several times.

“Luna, please just come home with me. I’m worried about you, baby.”