Page 119 of You're the One

Chapter 27

After they left the kitchen, Luna tried to smile and enjoy the time with the other teams, but she’d lost the enjoyment of her basketball game after that meeting around the kitchen table. She felt like her life was spiraling out of control. Other people were now making decisions for her, and she didn’t like it one bit. She understood they were worried, and that she should have spoken up before now about those notes, but she’d always just believed it was part of who she was. Part of the life she lived.

“I need to go, Charlie.” She found her friend talking to Ford Winter.

Luna had kept her distance from Nash since they’d left the kitchen. He was too much for her right now. When he’d said he was worried about her, warmth had settled inside her belly. He made her think thoughts that she knew weren’t possible.

“Okay, sure, I’ll take you.”

“Maybe I could take your car and then drop it back to you in the morning seeing as you’re enjoying yourself?” She smiled at Ford.

“You can’t go anywhere alone, Luna,” Ford said. Clearly, he’d heard about the picture.

Was there anyone here today who didn’t know about it?

“Walk me out then, and I’ll park right by the front door and walk straight inside. Come on, Charlie. I really need to get some alone time, and I have work to do.”

“Someone can run you to the Lodge,” Ford said. His jaw had the same determined look to it that his younger brother had.

“Nash!” Ford called.


“Problem?” He appeared.

“Luna wants a ride back to the Lodge.”

“I don’t want a ride, I want a… well yes, I do, but then I want to be dropped at the front steps and left alone.” She sounded petty now, and that just made her angrier.

“Sure, I’ll run you. Let’s go then.” His voice was calm.

She couldn’t refuse because she’d just said she wanted to go back to the Lodge, but she didn’t want him to take her. The man twisted her in uncomfortable knots.

Luna said goodbye to those closest to her.

“See you in town on Friday for the carnival and celebrations,” Aunt Jess said to her.

“Ah, sure.”

“The baking contest,” she elaborated.

“Right. Silly me, I forgot.” Luna forced a smile onto her face. “Thank you for inviting me here today.”

Aunt Jess hugged her hard. “You are welcome here anytime, Luna.”

She meant it, Luna realized.

Nash was waiting for her inside. They walked silently through the house, and she climbed into his pickup. He drove out the gates and turned toward the Lodge. Neither of them spoke on the drive, and Luna practiced what she’d say when they stopped at the Lodge. He pulled into a parking spot and turned off the ignition.

“Okay, well, thanks for that. I-I’ll see you round.”

He got out as she did.

“Really, Nash. I can walk to the Lodge alone. No need for you to come.”

“I’m staying here with you tonight. Just to make sure you don’t get any more trouble.”

“What? No, you’re not.” She managed not to shriek.