Page 116 of You're the One

“Seeing you off-balance and out of your comfort zone. It looks good on you,” Hugo said, heading up the stairs and into the Trainer house. “Everyone is out back.”

“You should have told me about the note, Luna.”

“I don’t share stuff like that. The only reason Hugo and Charlie know is because they were with me when I opened it.”

“Have you received a note like that before?” The thought made him go cold.

“Not like this note, no, but other stuff.”

“What other stuff?” He tugged her hand, but she pulled free and moved through a set of doors that Hugo had just vanished through.

Nash followed and found himself in a big living area. The place had a good feel to it, or it would have if he wasn’t worked up. She made him crazy. Who kept stuff like that to themselves? He wanted to know what else she was hiding.

But then wasn’t he always hiding his thoughts and feelings from others? Why did she have to tell him anything when he’d been pushy and grumpy with her? Nash made himself inhale and exhale several times before he walked through a set of double doors.

Players from the four teams and plenty of other people had congregated out here. He found Luna beside Charlie and Hugo and approached.

“Luna, can I have a word?”

She looked wary.

“Please,” Nash added.

She stepped a few paces to the right.

“Look, I know I can be gruff and yes rude, but I’m worried about you. Your friends are worried about you. Please, Luna. Just talk to Dylan. We’ll run things by him and then if you’re ready, go to Chief Blake.”

She exhaled loudly.

“This is serious, Luna,” Nash added. “What if it escalates?”

Her eyes studied his for long seconds.

“All right.”

“Good girl.”

He took her hand, and didn’t care that people were looking, and headed in Dylan’s direction. “Got a minute?”

“Sure. What’s up?” Dylan handed the toddler in his arms to Jack.

“Can you meet us in the kitchen, Luna will tell you then what’s going on,” he said so only they could hear. The others would know about it soon enough, but for now he was the man to tell. FBI, and according to anyone you asked, extremely good at what he did.

Dylan didn’t hesitate, he just walked in the direction of the kitchen.

“Need anything, you let us know,” Ford, who was also in the group, said.

“Where is the envelope?” he asked Charlie when they returned to her and Hugo.

“I have it here.” She patted her stomach.

“You put that envelope against your sweaty belly?” Hugo’s nose wrinkled.

“Bring it to the kitchen, Dylan’s meeting us there now.” Nash placed a hand on Luna’s back. “Let’s go.”

Dylan was making himself coffee when they walked in.

“Want some?” He lifted the pot. Only Luna nodded. “Take a load off around the table.”