Page 115 of You're the One

“If it helps, you confuse me too.”

A tap on the window had her head shooting up. Hugo stood there, smiling.

Nash opened his door and got out then held out his hand to help Luna.

“Charlie and I want to talk to Dylan about the note, so you need to come in for that,” Hugo said. “Hi, Nash.”

“What note?” Nash looked from Luna to Hugo. “Hi, Hugo.” He held out his hand, and they shook.


“What note?”

“She received an envelope with a picture of her in a really nice white dress which she wore to a—”

“Got it, nice dress,” Nash snapped.

“Hugo, Nash doesn’t need to hear this.”

She tried to put herself between him and her friend. He picked her up and lowered her to the side.

“Nash does need to hear.”

“Stop protecting people,” Hugo told Luna, and if Nash wasn’t worried about this note, he’d have applauded. “Someone had drawn a knife in her chest and blood pouring out of it. The words ‘you’re a fake. Everyone hates you. Go home to England and don’t come back or you’ll be sorry’were written on the picture.”

“And you didn’t tell me this?” Nash had never experienced so many emotions as he had since he’d met this woman. “If you say this doesn’t concern me right now, Luna, we’re going to have a problem.”

Hugo was smiling.

“When was I supposed to tell you? I only received the envelope on the way to the game!” She was angry now.

“My exact words to you in the rec center were ‘what aren’t you telling me?’ Maybe that could have been the time?”

She walked away, then grabbed the side of his pickup and did a knee bend.

“What’s with that?” Nash asked Hugo.

“When she was in college her knees were her biggest issue with injury. Some coach told her to do knee bends to keep limber. Ever since, she’s done them when she’s stressed, needing to solve a problem, or just trying to keep supple.”

“It’s weird,” Nash said.

“It’s not weird. You’re weird.” She came back and poked him in the chest. “You have a pony called Monica— “

“Which you named,” Nash said.

“And her duck!”

“Who is still nameless. I want to see this picture, Luna.”

“Charlie has it inside, but it’s still in the envelope,” Hugo said. “She wants you there, Luna. By the way, Nash, I just voted for Cheese and Quackers.”

“Come on.” He took her hand and started walking.

“People don’t drag me around, Nash.”

Hugo looked over his shoulder at them. “Not usually they don’t, but I like it.”

“What do you mean, you like it?” Luna demanded.