“No, not really. I noticed you in line at the registrar’s office the other day talking to some frat douche. You probably didn’t notice me, but you’re so beautiful that I’d have been blind not to notice you.”

Cocking my head to the side, I gave him another good look up and down. He was a little scrawny. Certainly not the type of man my father would hire. I certainly doubted he was a plant, if he was then my father was really scraping the bottom of the barrel for security. He’s probably just some horny guy hoping to score with a girl hobbling her walk of shame back home.

“I think I’ll pass on the piggy-back, thanks.” Pointing to the dress I was wearing, I continued, “Not exactly dressed for it.” Turning, I continued to hobble my way down the sidewalk to have him jog up behind me to match my pace.

“I’m Calvin, by the way.”

Looks like Calvin wasn’t good at taking hints. Looking over at him, I gave him a tight smile. “Sophia.”

“You’re not American, are you? Where are you from?”

A part of me wanted to tell him to buzz off, but as I looked back up at him, he seemed harmless enough. Would it really kill me to get to know him? A little chat on my way to the dorms wouldn’t hurt. Meeting new people was why I was here, wasn’t it? “I’m from Italy. Ever been?”

He didn’t hesitate when shaking his head. “No, I’ve been to the UK but that’s it. My family is originally from Scotland. We usually take a trip there once a year to see my grandparents.”

“I’ve been there, it’s been a while though. So, you’re a student here as well?”

He nodded. “Yeah, this is my second year. I’m taking sociology and psychology.”

I stopped in mid-track. “No way, that’s what I’m thinking about taking? At least I’m signed up for them anyhow. I’m pretty sure I’ll like it, but you never know.”

“You’re first year then?”

I nodded.

“Ahh, well your first year is all about finding yourself and discovering what you like. Try a little bit of everything. You never know what your true love will end up being.”

“That’s good advice.” I was beginning to regret my initial rudeness to him. He wasn’t my type and the amount of chemistry I felt for him was less than zero, but maybe I could make a new friend? “Did you do well in your classes?”

He grinned. “Straight A’s, milady.”

Alright, maybe he was kind of funny as well. And he could be a potential tutor if I got stuck? As much as I wanted to be a sorority girl, getting to know someone whose primary focus wasn’t how many shots one could down before passing out or getting laid may be of benefit.

My pace slowed a little as I found myself caught up in the banter.

Before I knew it, I was standing in front of my building. “Well, this is me.” I motioned to the large stone three-story building behind me. “Thank you for ensuring I made it back safely. Do you live on campus?”

Pointing to the building across the parking lot from us, he nodded. “Yeah, that one over there.”

“We’re neighbors!”

“I guess we are.”

The ache in the balls of my feet reminded me it was time to get inside. “Thanks again. Maybe I’ll see you around.”

“Just glad you’re safe and sound. Have a good first day, Sophia.”

I entered the dorm with a smile on my face. I completed the sorority challenge, got laid so well that just thinking about my mystery man made my insides flutter and my pussy clench, and I may have even made a friend. I’d call that a good weekend.


When I woke up the next morning it didn’t surprise me that she was gone. I’d hoped that she would stay, I genuinely wanted to get to know her better. Everything about her from her smile, to her accent, to the way she flipped her hair over her shoulder had me captivated. And holy fuck, the sex… Well, that had been something else altogether. There was a passion within her that seemed to radiate and pull you in. I just wished we’d talked more and gotten to know each other.

Or maybe it was the alcohol and I was just hallucinating the connection that we’d had.

Rolling over onto my back, I stared up at the ceiling, the scent of her perfume was still on me, teasing me and making my dick jerk alive.
