At least she could have stayed for breakfast and I could have driven her home – wherever it was that she called home. I felt a pang of guilt. I didn’t even know what she did for a living, or her last name. I hope she didn’t get the impression I just wanted to fuck her. That hadn’t been the initial intention, not that I was complaining. It just wasn’t the kind of guy I generally was.

Reaching out to the nightside table, I grabbed my mobile phone and brought it to eye level. Why didn’t I get her number before things got heated? Probably because my dick had been in control of my body and my senses. At least I’d gotten her first name – Sophia – it was such a sweet, old-fashioned name. And that accent, hot damn.

Checking my messages, it didn’t surprise me that I had a couple of messages from the guy’s last night. Nosy bastards. Typing Tyrese a message letting him know I was fine and hadn’t been murdered by the girl, I placed the phone back on the nightside table. I briefly considered rubbing one out as flashbacks of my night with her came raging back through my head.

But I couldn’t. It was already past noon and I had a lot of prepping to do for my first lecture tomorrow. I’d been with the university for close to a decade now and couldn’t imagine working anywhere else. I had just received a nice tenure contract with good pay and an excellent facility behind me. Life really couldn’t get much better.

Well, not being a dumbass and forgetting to ask for her number would have been nice.

Sophia, at least I got her name. Maybe she’d be at the club next week? Might be worth a shot despite how much I hated those types of places. Not to get laid again, although that would be nice, but I would genuinely like to get to know more about her.

Maybe another day. I’d find her one way or another.