Chapter Sixteen

Hadley and the Roman-tic Dick Move.

Things were getting out of hand. Well, no. I was getting out of hand.

I couldn’t believe I’d had sex with Roman in his ute when we were already late for school in broad daylight. It was like he’d said; I had no idea who I was anymore. I didn’t know what was scarier; that I didn’t recognise myself half the time, or I didn’t hate who I’d become.

So when Hadley suggested we get some fish and chips after school and lounge at the park for a bit, I decided that was as good a time as any to get a touch of normalcy back in my life.

We were heading to class after Lunch when I realised I should tell Roman I wouldn’t need a ride home.

“Lombardi!” I called back to him, following my friend backwards.

“Barlow?” he questioned as he looked up from his board, his face that indifferent laziness.

“You going to class, slacker?”

“What do you think, princess?”

I chuckled. “We’re going to the park after school–”

“Kind of you to think of me. But alas, I have plans!”

I smirked at him. “Cute. No, I’m just not going to need a ride home.”

“No worries. I’ll see you in the morning!”

I waved, turned and hurried to catch up to the others. As we walked into the school building, I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket and grinned at the picture I’d taken of Roman that second night at the lake.

Roman:Full disclosure, I didn’t have plans – I do now. We still on for the C&B eating contest?

We’d decided to finally settle the great ‘who could stuff more Cheese and Bacon Balls in their mouth’ debate, and we’d scheduled it for that night. We had also finally exchanged numbers, as if you couldn’t tell.

Me:I don’t know, I feel like you’ll have an unfair advantage if I’ve just been stuffing myself full of chips…

Roman:I’ll stuff you ;)

I snorted and put my phone away quickly.

“You right?” Hadley asked and I nodded.

“Yeah, just… Dad, you know.”

She gave me a funny look – which I didn’t blame if she knew who it had actually been and what he’d said – but she just nodded slowly as we took our seats.

The teacher looked around the room and I heard the mutter about yet another Roman no-show before she started checking out names off the roll.

After my phone went off a few more times I pulled it out.

Roman:*sigh* fine, we’ll reschedule the contest.

Roman:But just so you know I was in fine form for this afternoon.

Roman:[poop emoji]

Roman:[unicorn emoji]

Roman:*double sigh* I won’t even eat the packets we had ready… Happy?